Monday, December 19, 2022

Merry December!

Buenas tardes amigos!!

To tell the truth, it's been kind of a long transfer. It's been good and I really can't complain, it's just been a little hard to reconcile cultural differences in this companionship. For most of this transfer I've either felt like my comp's happy but we're accomplishing nothing work wise, or that we're getting something done but she's annoyed at me.

Then I prayed a lot, learned how to communicate with my comp, and got some advice from an awesome hermana leader who's had a lot more experience than me with native companions. And for the first time in this transfer, I actually feel united with my comp and I feel like we're gonna to work hard and accomplish the goals we've set because we finally talked things through and have the same vision for this week.

I tried a lot of things trying to make this compañionship work and after everything, what finally worked was taking it to the Lord. Talking to my Father, asking for help in loving my comp (Moroni 7:48). Relying on revelation while at the same time trying to see things from my comp's perspective and serve her.

I learned a lot. And sometimes that's the point.

As far as interesting stories, one time I lost the phone. We have to let our leaders know we're at home every night before 9 (isn't it sweet how good care they take of us?) so we went and found a nice person to let us use their phone and call the mission office. Contacted a family along the way👌so everything happens for a reason. Next day we walked to the spot I thought the phone was, and there it was. Chilling. It was on someone's porch and the gate wasn't locked. Lots of opportunities for it to be stolen, but angels were guarding it I guess. Now I guess I can say I've stolen something off of someone's porch as a missionary...

We texted somebody to ask if him prayed about Joseph Smith like we asked him too and we got an audio that basically said, "Yeah I prayed about it and I believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet and saw God, 100%". Epic. We are totally putting him on date in our lesson with him tonight.

If you ever visit the DR, don't drive a passola (moped) on a Sunday morning. I don't even know what the laws are, but on our way to church we saw three cops handing out tickets to people on passolas. 

There was a Christmas devotional last night that I hope you all got to watch. It was really cool. I don't think I've ever been as excited about Christmas as I am this year. It's such a special time of year when we get to celebrate Christ's birth and when everyone makes an extra effort to be kind, serve others, and light the world with Christmas joy.

Merry Christmas!

Hermana Cazier 

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