Tuesday, December 20, 2022

November Chatbook 2022

Another November in the books. Look at me mostly keeping up. The plan is working. The gears are turning, the stress is...almost lowering. We'll see how well I get through Christmas. But meanwhile, let's celebrate the tiny victories of November.

Pearl entered the spooky story contest that our library (the Junior High library) hosted and she came in 2nd place. It was a little weird since I helped judge it, but I got a lot of opinions and it wasn't just me who thought she did a great job. She was super proud.

This photo is barely edited. It was just an freaking amazing sunset. Mother Nature is quite the decorator.

She also did this, very early on in November. I think we've had more snow than usual this year already. But keep it coming. We need the water.

Tyler and I went to see Lucky Stiff. It was a weird one, but pretty funny. It reminded us of Weekend at Bernie's, although I don't even really remember that movie.

When you go to Bath and Body Works, you have to smell all the stuff to find the best ones. But sometimes you get a surprise in the face. 

My decorations were minimal for Fall, but just enough to let people know it was still autumn despite the snow.

See, look at all the snow in the mountains. Isn't it beautiful?

Look closely, can you see her tongue? She likes to sleep with it just barely sticking out.

Also in November we did some Black Out Poetry in the library. We had quite a few kids participate. I like seeing what they come up with. I didn't take any pictures, like I should have, but Pearl took a picture of hers. It's a little hard to read, but it says: Bone piles wait to save her smile, find a way OUT.

Pearl is a crazy puzzler. I need to do a whole post on all the puzzles she has done this last year. I got a Christmas one (in November) and she finished it in a day. Frankly, I'm not sure what I was thinking getting it out early. Impressive.

Every once in a while, I'll make a batch of toffee that is a total fail. The butter will separate right at the end and it is a gross mess. I've learned that you need to not heat it too quickly, but more importantly, I think you need to stir more frequently. At least the second batch was great. While this was cooling, I put a note on it that said, "Don't eat this" and Pearl said, "I don't think you need a note mom. No one is going to eat that."

We got a new vehicle. We really needed another car for Robyn, and it came just in time since she moved out the first of December. She moved in with Analena who is a friend from art school. Abby and Analena both helped her move her stuff. We see Analena all the time, since they both come over for food often. Oh, and Robyn is decidedly going by Beau now, which is fine. All of us stumble and say Robyn all the time (go figure) but I'm trying to get it right and her name will be reflected in the blog from now on as Beau. Here are some fun pictures of her, Analena and her exodus. (Oh, and she dyed have her hair. It's easier to see in some pictures than others.)

Beau did some art on Pearl's face. It was pretty creepy. I think I was out of town for this one, but I'm glad they took pictures.

Granny V got a new puppy. He is a something poodle. A yorkie poo? A terrypoo? Wait, Ivory says he's just a poodle. She called him a poodle poo. :) Anyway, Vicki named him Abu. He is very sweet and super cuddly. He doesn't mind being picked up and loved on by anyone. Nova doesn't like him, but no one expected her to.

Ivory did some kind of report on Moana for her class, but she really got into it and drew a lot of fun pictures. I think they look awesome.

Ivory got a trim, but this was a pretty big trim. Around 6 inches I think. She needed it since her braids kept getting caught under people when she wrestled. So her hair went from touching her behind to falling nicely around her middle back.

And it looks really cute curled. I think this was for mega concert. She still has me curl it and I don't have time usually, since she has a lot of hair. (Even with some cut off for good measure.)

Finally, Ivory really likes guacamole. She likes avocados in general. I don't think she loves the taste of them, but she's convinced they are healthy, so she eats them. But guacamole is super tasty. We usually buy the fresh store made kind although it doesn't last long, but she even made her own the other day. Yum!

That's it folks. November is behind us. That is unless I can get Beau to finish our thankful turkey and then I need to post that. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm not even sure where he is. But that's a task for another day. Sweet dreams everyone.

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