Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Strings in the Winter

(November 30th, 2021)

We are headed back to the past again today. This post is short since we can't record more elite concerts. They don't allow that. So when we went to listen to June play at her BYU concert, we knew we were only getting a few pictures.

Looking back, we were still wearing masks. Yuck. But it was fun to go visit my old stomping ground. Welcome to the De Jong Concert Hall. Can you see June up there?

Okay, that's a little far back. You can try again...

If you haven't spotted her, we'll help out. Check out the fluffy hair. It's one of my favorite things about her.

She took a picture backstage. What a cutie.

The concert was really good and I think we all managed to stay awake. No small feat at an orchestra concert. :)

And then a picture after. I think Robyn ran to the bathroom and we missed her. 

Always nice to remember June. And I admit that I really miss listening to her play the violin. That is one thing I'm looking forward to when she gets back.

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