Saturday, December 3, 2022

Thanksgiving 2021

(November 24-28th, 2021)

It is actually really fun to go back and look at all the memories and pictures from last year. It would be nicer to view them from a completed blog book, but I guess they will be there eventually. 

Last year, we spent Thanksgiving in Idaho. It was a blast. There was great company and great food. Rubia came with us, so it was super fun to spend that time with her. Also, the older girls did their first overnight drive. June had to stay to work Thanksgiving Eve so Robyn stayed with her and they drove up that night. Let's be clear that the parents did NOT recommend this strategy, but the girls thought they could do it, and with some caffeine, loud music, and lots of silliness, they made their way to Idaho just fine.

The actual day of Thanksgiving was fantastic. Let the feasting and napping begin! We all pitched in to make food. It was all superb. 

We also played some water pong. No drinking involved, but still a blast.

Pearl also earned herself $20. Kolby challenged her to eat three pickled beets. It was a rough time for her, getting them down, but she did it and went home with some money in her pocket.

Friday was a chill day. We played some games. Wise and Otherwise is always a hit and even better when Kolby changes up the pronunciations of words. I could not figure out what Vine-gar was supposed to be. It was just Kolby saying 'vinegar' incorrectly...on purpose. :)

We actually did a little shopping, although we went later and avoided all the crazies. We got some clothes for June's mission, and we got a coat for Robyn. (Winter attire was needed for our Christmas adventure.) And Tyler went shopping for a tree for Granny V.

Saturday was the most fun! We went to eat lunch at the amazing bagel place that Kat introduced us to before.

Then we did a fun gift exchange with her, including Rubia. Everyone drew names and then paired up. We gave ourselves 45 minutes to find gifts for our people and then we came back together to exchange them. I found each of the groups at some point in the mall.

Then we had a lot of fun giving gifts. We made each person sit on the lap of the giver while receiving their gift. It was a great activity that we'll have to try again sometime!

The boys kept busy while the girls were shopping. They tortured Granny V a bit, letting her experience roller coasters on the VR system. They took a video that was hilarious and might have contained some profanity. :)

They also went shooting. They did this odd challenge where you do 50 pushups and then shoot a handgun and try to get all your rounds in the designated target. KJ was up first. He made the pushups look easy and didn't do too badly with his rounds that were supposed to be in the 6 circle.

We won't show you pictures of the men doing pushups, since they don't look nearly as good, but their shooting was much tighter. Check out Kolby's grouping in 4.

And then Tyler did the 9 circle. I would say the men were pretty comparable. Nice job.

All too soon, it was time for us to leave. Thanksgiving is short and sweet. We headed back to good ole Utah. We stopped on the way for some grub and stumbled across a random Christmas parade. Good timing I guess. Or maybe the other way around.

I sure love my silly family. I had just gotten my new phone that let's you hold up your hand to take a photo. I clearly am a master of the technique.

Nova was waiting patiently in the car. It's a little creepy when she stares at us.

We did have two vehicles since the girls drove separately. I think Sweet Pea drove with Tyler on the way home and took a good nap. That is the best way to end a holiday after all. 

We love seeing our Idaho family. Stay tuned for more Thanksgiving adventures in a different state for 2022.

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