Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A Year in Stats

GUYS. We had 22 people at church yesterday. Probably more, but I don't even know all of their names. We started teaching this family this week that listens like no one else has on my mission. All of them (and there are a lot of them) stop what they're doing and listen when we show up. They all walked to church in the rain.

We freaked out. The members freaked out. They were all fellowshipping our friends and asking us if they can help us teach this week. The ward is truly getting excited about missionary work and it's amazing!

That was the big miracle of the week, but it wasn't the only one. We have been seeing tons of miracles every single day. The work of miracles has not ceased, and God does not cease to be God.

I hit one year as a missionary tomorrow. So I thought I'd give you guys some stats for the past year of my life.

Number of missions: 2

Number of areas: 4

Number of companions: 11

Number of spikeball sets: 2

Number of watches: 4

Number of self done clothing repairs: 12 (and my mom told me I wouldn't actually use a sewing kit)

Number of funerals accidentally attended: 1

Number of times I've worn makeup: 3

Number of men I've hugged: 1 (but don't freak out --- it was just my dad)

Number of times I got to drive a car: 2 (3 if you count remote control cars)

Number of proposals: 1

Number of very large spiders I've seen: 4 (had to kill one to protect my comp)

Number of multi-day power outages: 3

Number of multi-day water outages: 4

Number of hurricanes: 1

Number of times I've seen fireworks: 3

Number of times I've gotten pooped on by a bird: 2 (in the same week, actually)

Number of hours I spent facebook finding: probably around 140

Number of times I watched 20 minutes of the Croods in Spanish at a member's house as they fed us lunch: 1

Number of people I met on the mission who have since become missionaries: 2

Number of HEFY groups who went out to teach lessons with us one time: 1

Number of Bon yoguën fruz that I have consumed: I don't know, like 25?

Number of jars peanut of peanut butter I've eaten: haven't been keeping track of this one either, but I average 3/4 of a jar every week, so around 40?

Number of times I got hailed on: 1 (snow will probably never happen)

Number of loads of laundry I've done in a Dominican washing machine: probably more than 100 at this point and I can't wait to get back to American washing machines

Number of journals I've filled up: 5

And a couple lists for you

Fruits I've eaten in this country with their translations if it exists in English:

guineo (banana), manzana (apple), piña (pineapple), cereza (cherry, but with three pits), guayava (guava), guayabana, granada (kinda like an unripe pomegranate), limoncillo, nispero, zapote, jagua (apparently means dog), lechosa (papaya), fresa (strawberry - one time. Those are hard to find), chinola (passionfruit)

My favorite: guava and banana.

Least favorite: Jagua. Easily.

Countries people have asked me if I'm from:

US (more commonly I just get asked if I'm from New York), France, Argentina, Canada, Columbia, Spain, Dominican Republic

American songs I've heard in the streets: (some are kind of random but they all made me very happy)

Let Her Go

Easy On Me

The One That Got Away


Party Rock Anthem


Hotel California

Someone Like You

Another Brick in the Wall

All of Me

Classic Dominican foods I have eaten:

La Bandera, mofongo, moro, locrio, sancocho, asopao, mangu, fritos con salami, guineitos, hot chocolate with bread, pica pollo

Overall I would rate my mission 100/10. Both of them. I loved the OEM and I love Misión Santiago. Being a full time missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ has been the happiest time and the greatest blessing of my life.

Yo sé que Jesucristo vive. Sé que Él es nuestro Salvador. Sé que Él sufrió por nosotros, pero no solo por nuestros pecados. Él sufrió cada dolor, tristeza, enfermedad, desafío, y dificultad que vamos a experimentar en nuestras vidas, y por eso no hay otra manera para hallar paz, solo por medio de Jesucristo. Él es el solo camino para llegar a vivir con Dios otra vez después de esta vida. Sé que Dios tiene un plan perfecto por cada uno de nosotros y que Él nos ama con un amor perfecto que ni podemos imaginar. Sé que Él nos guía hoy en día por medio de un profeta viviente y revelación personal, y que preparó el Libro de Mormón para que tengamos la plenitud de Su evangelio y una manera para hallar paz, consuelo, y respuestas. 

Yo sé sin duda que esta es la verdad.

Espero que tengan una semana buenísima y que puedan ver los milagros de Dios en su vida! Dios les ama y yo también.

It was actually way easier to type in Spanish than English so maybe I'll just only email you guys in Spanish for the next six months. Hope you enjoyed the stats!

Hermana Cazier


1. selfie after we got a trillion amigos at church

2. Baseball field

3. Que lo que wa wa wa, classic Dominican slang

 4. BERY GOT BAPTIZED!!! I was teaching him and his family in Navarrete and now they are all members and they're fuego!!

*Sorry, the last picture wasn't there.

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