Thursday, January 19, 2023


Helloooo everyone. This week was rather exhausting. We managed to cram two exchanges, interviews, and a baptism into this week. Lots of amazing stuff.

The baptism was amazing. Victor was a reference from about three months ago who already had a Book of Mormon and was in every way completely prepared by God to accept His gospel. The only reason it took him so long to get baptized was because his boss wouldn't let him have Sundays off. But when he got Christmas and New Years off because they were holidays, he came to church and loved it so much that he completely disregarded the fact that he was supposed to be at work the following Sundays and he's been coming to church since.

His baptism was on Saturday, with Shara and Dominic, two eight year old daughters of members. The whole ward showed up!! It was so cool. We have made it a priority to get Victor friends in the ward before his baptism. That was something I had never pushed really hard before with my other baptisms. And I've since realized that they don't really need friends to get baptized. But they do need friends to help them stay afterward. So it's actually 2000% important that we get them friends before their baptism. And we really did that with Victor. It feels really good to know that I just baptized someone who will be a strong member for the rest of his life, who will be a genuine strength to this ward and have a calling and help the future missionaries here baptize other people. Victor is an amazing man and I feel so blessed that I got to participate in his journey onto the covenant path.

I tried a cajuil, which looks like a red pear and tastes like a plum and a pear at the same time. They must be in season because I've never seen them til this week and suddenly they are EVERYWHERE, I can't go anywhere without seeing them or getting gifted some.

This week I finished the Book of Mormon and started over again. I know this Book is true and I know it contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In Nefi's summary of 1 Nefi, he mentions how they called the name of the place where they were Bountiful. I read that and it actually made me think for a while. Multiple times, Nefi talks about how EVERYTHING he writes in the Book is of God, that he is only writing things which are of worth for the children of men, that he desires the room that he may write of the things of God.

And he writes, "We named the place Bountiful"?? At first I was like, why in the world did he include that? Then I thought about it. Bountiful was a good place. They had everything they needed there. They were happy. Then God commanded them to leave. So that they could get to the promised land. A better place. Where they would be even happier. Maybe they couldn't imagine being happier than they were in Bountiful, but God had a better plan. Like He always does. God is not an out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire kind of God. He's an out-of-Bountiful-into-the-promised-land kind of God.

Change can be hard. When I left Navarrete I felt like I was leaving Bountiful. Then I found out that Moca is the promised land. I am so happy here. I'm seeing so many miracles. The work is moving forward at breakneck pace. This is the happiest I have ever been. And I will probably have to leave in a week. 

BUT who knoweth but what God hath prepared a better land of promise for me?

Whatever change you are experiencing in your life right now, embrace it. God wants you to be happy. I know that. He is not gonna give you something you can't handle. That doesn't mean He won't give you something hard; maybe He will because He has the ultimate plan of greater growth and future joy for you. But He is leading you along to the promised land, and if you let yourself get led, you will find joy in the journey.

I love you guys! Have a fantastic week! 

Hermana Cazier

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