Friday, January 6, 2023

Carmelita is Born

(November 16th, 2022)

I missed this post since all the pictures were on June's phone. Naturally, since June is not currently using that phone, I don't look for pictures on it. But I found them, and they are super fun, so I'm posting them today.

A friend of mine put out there that she had a niece in beauty school and she needed some models for balayage practice. That seemed like a good deal. It had to be during the day, so I even let the girls skip school to get their hair done. (Yep, I guess I'm that mom, although I didn't really know it.)

Here are some before pictures. Pearl has really long hair right now, but it's always been lighter. Daisy has shorter hair and it is dark, like all the rest of us.

Here they are with product in their hair. I wasn't there, so I'm not sure what it is but I'm assuming some kind of bleach.

When the girls were done, the stylists curled their hair. It looked super cute.

Pearl's is more subtle. Often, you can't even tell it is there because of her lighter brown hair, but if you look closely, or in certain light, you can definitely tell it's lighter at the end. Daisy is a little Carmelita now. Her dark hair looks more caramel colored at the ends now. She loves it.

They are both super cute. Often I forget they got it done until I braid their hair or they wear it a certain way. It is fun to have a change. And you can't beat the price of mostly free. (We tipped the stylists, but they didn't charge for the service since it was practice.)

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