Friday, January 6, 2023

December Chatbook 2022

Time to put last year in the rearview mirror for good. (Except for those random posts I haven't gotten my family to post yet. I'm looking at you Beau and your Ghana post!!!) Twenty twenty-two was really an awesome year. So many fun memories and experiences packed into 365 days. Let's wrap up with some random moments from December.

Ivory has so much fun with her ballroom team. They are short on guys, but not on talent. I think they've had a lot of fun so far.

Ivory has gotten much better at makeup since doing ballroom. This is a pretty fantastic cat eye.

Oh, and these two hooligans...they finally made it official and are a couple as of last month. Really, they've been a couple since 8th grade in many ways, but now they could change their relationship status on facebook if they so desire.

Oh, this is such a sad morning. I believe Ivory tipped her bowl over. No one was around to witness her shame and misery, so she took a picture to document the tragedy. And so we could all feel bad for her. It worked.

I believe Ivory went up to the Thanksgiving Point Luminaria with Isaac's family. They've changed a lot of things. I think it would be fun to take the family next year. I guess I should put it in the calendar now. Done.

Granny V was down here a couple times last month. She had Arzee with her most of the time. (Sometimes she left him at Js.) He really is such a sweetie, and I think he's going to stay Arzee and not Abu. 

Nova had a mild infection in her paw and we didn't want her to lick it frequently or take off the antibiotic ointment, so the vet gave us a donut. It isn't as efficient as the cone of shame, but she likes it a lot more. It was a instant pillow whenever she laid down. 

We've had a lot of snow, and I love this cute picture of friends with snow in their hair. 

Beau always has the coolest class notes because she adds drawings here and there. This little guy popped up in one of her notebooks and I think he is the cutest. Can I keep him?

Just chillin' in the car, but more importantly...whose car? This isn't my vehicle and I can't remember taking this picture. Maybe Beau remembers.

I admit that we may have too many games. It is really hard to get rid of any. We cleaned out the cupboard and shifted things around, but I'm pretty sure we still have them all. You never know what you might be in the mood for.

I don't remember what Beau drew this for, but it is awesome. I think she should sell them as Christmas cards next year. Oh...dark. I didn't even see Grandma back there in the picture until now.

I found this on Beau's phone. I think she said it would make a great album cover. I agree.

I try to make Beau a cake every other week for her to take back to her apartment. As a starving college student, cake doubles as breakfast, as you can see here.

Which actually sounds better than Dad's sausage breakfast that he has almost every morning. Usually it has more veggies than this. It is all part of his Orc-Killing diet. We'll explain more on that in a different post.

Here's a little Analena love. She bleached her hair and added pink back in, but I haven't seen her since then. Boo.

Who made this? Any guesses?

We are trying to be better about walking Nova, especially after the vet mentioned how fat she is. Oops. But it looks like sometimes she gets a ride in the car instead of a walk outside. I can't judge. I would much rather ride in a car.

Happy Sunday. Hearts are a tradition.

Grandma Dargan sent us our annual box of Petite Fours. These are a favorite of the girls. Ivory asked one day, "What will we do when Grandma Dargan dies? How will we get Petite Fours?" I told her they come in a catalogue and we'll be fine.

Tyler and I went to the DHI Christmas party. It was okay. They had a different caterer, and I didn't realize how much I liked the OG. So I put up with the food, but really enjoyed the beautiful chandeliers.

Tyler's hair was in need of a cut and it was living its usual unruly life, when suddenly he reminded me of someone. I haven't watched Simpsons in over two decades, but his hair was screaming Sideshow Bob to me. What do you think?

Christmas is a great time for movies. It's too bad that you can't see in this picture that Beau is asleep.

Temple day with the girls. (And you may notice that I trimmed up Tyler's hair.)

Please only notice in this picture the gorgeous sunset and not the dirty window.

I was a little behind getting stuff out this season, so the girls went to town and put up a lot of stuff, including the pretty tree in the front room. It was so nice that they got so many of the Christmas decorations out. And then Pearl took this cute picture. It's almost like Nova is guarding the tree.

This is another Pearl shot, but I really like it too. She took it because you can see three different colors of lights in this picture.

Great capture of Nova.

Guess what, I'm a Galactic Legend. I'm still in the top 2% of Duo learners. Go me, and that is an epic sword that Duo has.

Speaking of Duo, I bet I could make a Duo out of a green pepper. I might try. Meanwhile, we found this moldy green pepper in the fridge and it haunts me.

This is the best picture EVER! My Dad grew out his beard and he looks just like Santa. I think it is the cutest picture. I need to get it framed and put up at Christmas time.

This chicken spent most of the month under this tree. She really likes the apple remains. (Same chicken that was in the garage.) It was normal to see her every day, but chicken. I think Maren got reprimanded and took the chicken back to the coop. But I'm not sure.

One of the things I love about holidays is the random decorations you will find around town. On the way to the store, we spotted this Santa skeleton on a jeep. Stupendous.

And finally, you gotta take a picture when you realize you are all wearing overalls. Happy day!

There you have it. That's 2022 wrapped up nicely with a Beau. 

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