Tuesday, January 10, 2023

More Gore

(November 2021 - January 2022)

While perusing through phone photos, which I do often, I kept running across more of Ivory's special effects makeup art. I saved up photos from the end of 2021 and into the beginning of 2022, and it's time they all went into one post. 

She does some really fun, creative stuff. I think she is still working on finding the right blend of colors to match skin tones, but she is limited by what stuff she has one hand. Maybe we'll get her more for her birthday...

Ivory likes to use family members for her experiments, but she often uses herself as well. Here is Daisy who had a pencil stabbed into her forehead. 

Ivory sliced her finger and it was a pretty deep cut. And then she managed to get a toothpick stuck through it. She is very accident prone.

But this next one was very creepy and maybe realistic? I haven't seen a lot of burn victims, but this definitely looks gross to me. First the latex.

Then add some makeup. 

With a bit more gore and liquid blood, it really comes alive.

I approve of this hobby. I look forward to more unfortunate accidents in 2023. 

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