Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Victor the Missionary / BAPTISM

This week was AMAZING! Like, best of my mission. 

We had a district council where we got reminded that we are here to invite people to come unto Jesus Christ, and what better way to do it then inviting them to get baptized? We kind of just weren't really extending the baptismal invitations before, and as soon as we started to extend it, we have seen MIRACLES. 

We put six people on date this week. One of them is Victor, the most prepared person EVER. He for a while couldn't come to church because he had to work Sundays. But he had Christmas off, so he came, and basically was like, "I have to change something so that I never miss church again." We put him on date on Tuesday night, basically solely on faith. 

Next day, we're in a lesson with this guy named Maximo. It's a good lesson, it ends and the family insists that we stay for lunch. Since wasting time is the worst thing ever as a missionary, we were like "okay, but we're gonna do some missionary work on our phone while you finish up cooking". So we pull out the phone and there's a text from Victor: "My greatest dream is to be a missionary and belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I am willing to do quit my job so that I can get baptized. I already told my boss."

So we start celebrating, obviously. And Maximo is like, "whoa, what just happened?" We explain that our friend is making some difficult changes in his life so that he can get baptized and we're so happy for him. And Maximo is like, "Cool, can I get baptized too?" Epic!

I got to do my first exchange as an hermana leader! It was amazing. I got to be with Hermana Arizpe, and she is so cool! She's such a hard worker and a kind soul. It was also fun to visit Jarabacoa for a day since I've always wanted to go there. (I even got to take a picture in the iconic umbrella street.) And I feel like I'm fulfilling my calling as an STL and actually helping my hermanas out in a way they need.

Then on Sunday morning, Lissaury got baptized!! She wanted to get baptized on New Year's to start the year off in literally the best way possible. This baptism was kinda stressful for us because it was in the morning before church, at another church building, and we needed it to end before 8:30 so that we could make it to church on time. And it didn't start til past 8. But everything turned out okay. The Spirit was there and Lissaury is so happy that she got baptized.

We hurried over to church and had some amazing talks that were literally perfect for our amigos who were there listening, especially Ilia, who has some serious doubts about the Book of Mormon that were all addressed during sacrament meeting. And church was only one hour again for the holiday, but that turned out to be a blessing cuz church ended and we introduced our friends to literally the entire ward since no one had anywhere to be. I love this ward so much. The members are amazing and they are so genuinely kind and friendly to the people we bring to church. We had five people there today! And also one who randomly went to church over in Dajabón, way over by Haiti. That was cool.

Guys, being a missionary is the best. I've never been happier than I am right now. I always heard missionaries and returned missionaries say that, and I believed they were happy, but I didn't know it was this good. I left behind a lot of things and a lot of people who make me happy, but there truly is no greater joy than focusing so completely on Jesus Christ and spending all of my time helping others to discover the joy of the gospel.

Have a great week! Happy 2023!

Hermana Cazier

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