Sunday, February 12, 2023

January Chatbook 2022

Still chugging along and catching up, but loving the direction it is going. I'm sure you don't recall (but I do) that I already have the chatbooks done for the 2nd half of 2022. So I'm just catching up on the first half of last year. It's so awesome!! Just patting myself on the back for a moment. Let's jump in now. (This one's for you June!)

Let's start with a beautiful sunrise. The dusting of snow reminds me we had a little snow last year, but not as much as this year.

June's tags arrived in the mail. She officially started her mission on January 10th, but she was still home for two weeks doing HMTC. 

She painted this Book of Mormon for Isaac, who was already a month of so into his mission in Reno.

June did a paint nite with her besties, Hannah and Christina. They did a painting of the three wise men following the star. They all turned out so cute!

June and I wrapped and pinned several of our finished crosstitches. The goal was to frame them before June left. We ordered some stuff, but then some of the mattes were wrong. So we didn't get them finished before she left. Such is life. But look how many...

It was June's last days at Color Me Mine. I know she was really going to miss the people she worked with.

Pearl, fresh into Young Women's, went to the temple for the first time. It was super neat that so many of her sisters were able to go with her.

Here's a few more moments with friends and at home with Hermana Cazier.

Seriously, this man's hair. How does he do it?

Ivory was putting a gift together for Annie. She always does the weirdest stuff. The box she packed stuff in had one side covered in googly eyes. And then she filled it with glitter and feathers. What a mess!

No...those are not socks.

Aahh, I think we are all going to miss June.

Fun little sketch by Robyn. Can you tell who it is?

Here are a couple pictures of school projects she was working on. She continued her self portrait, which turned out to be done in chocolate. I did not see that coming...

And her flower art was cool, with real flowers that slowly died. It says Reality (sort of), which is very accurate for any flowers that come my way. Death is imminent. 

Love this cute selfie.

Here's a Sunday selfie of all the gals.

I'm loving this look.

Tyler spent a lot of time fixing this window frame. The blinds didn't fit in it correctly, so he took off the bottom of the window frame, but then had to build it back in, but thinner. He did a great job. You couldn't even tell that it didn't come that way.

Pearl had a couple sick days. But why is the dog on the couch?? Can't she comfort you from the floor?

Haven't seen Pele for a while. Good to know he's still alive and well.

My January library display was really fun to put together. I debated how to do the popcorn and the balloons worked beautifully.

June and I even got to go to our yearly play, before she left. We went to see Over the River and Through the Woods. It claimed to be a comedy, but I'm not buying it. It was actually super depressing and made me dread the later years in life. Not one I would go see again. Sorry June. We'll watch a better one this year. ;)

Hannah got her call while June was in the HMTC. So we got to go over and watch her open it. She's headed to Xalapa, Mexico. (She's been there for quite a while now and I enjoy her emails.)

Check out Daisy's elf ear. With the mask holding it down, that is the most pointy I've seen it.

Looks like Christmas all over again. But this time for your eyes. Everyone got a couple pairs. (Except me of course.)

Last one...Daisy was finally inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. It was such a debacle last year when they didn't call her name because they thought she hadn't paid. (She had.) Meanwhile, she has decided she doesn't want to do it anymore, so this year she quietly quit without telling anyone. They read her name at the last event and she wasn't there to collect her cords. Sometimes that girl...

And that's the wrap of January from last year. Cold months can still be fun. And we still have another January chatbook from this year coming up shortly. Stay tuned.

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