Tuesday, March 28, 2023

February Chatbook 2023

Whew, just barely getting this on here before March also sneaks out the door. Does anyone else feel like the months are flying?? Which is great for me because it means June will be home any minute. :) In the meantime, let's check out the bonus tidbits from last month.

Beau did henna on me before the Jamaica trip, because it's fun to show off cute artwork. I got a parrot fish on my arm and some other fish on my shoulder. (Um...I thought I was better at fish identification, but I can't think of the name of that one.)

How does a lazy dog play the piano? Like this...

Ivory cut herself shaving. It was pretty bad, and since we use a triple bladed razor, she sliced herself three times. When she took off her band aid, it looked like one of her special effects.

I've never named my octopus (well, maybe I did, but it didn't stick) but he happily sits on my desk and sometimes holds dice for me. He is very cooperative.

When we went to pick up Ivory's prom dress, Sabrina jumped in my car, so it was an instant party. No one was at the counter when we went to get the dress, so the girls took that as a sign that they needed to try on lots of dresses. They had a great time, and I got to use the store speaker to summon a salesperson to our department. (Their phones are just sitting there WITH an intercom button...how could I not?)

The dog has been very sneaky and super naughty. We are learning quickly (not quickly enough) that we need to be vigilant. The girls left some groceries on the stools. We came back to one pound less of hamburger. And then only a few days later, I left a frozen roast on the counter. I was gone three minutes dropping the girls at the church and she dragged it off the counter, into the computer room, and was gnawing on the frozen roast by the time I got home. So naughty. Bad dog. 

I hit a 1900 day streak on Duolingo. How cool is that??

We use the Tenzi dice I bought, all the time. I got them for Weasel, but we use them for Farkle mostly and occasionally for a dice tower. 

So much snow this winter. In fact, there is worry of flooding in Utah now. I'm thankful for the moisture and I am more than ready for Spring. Please?

We just shovel the snow out of the way, but Beau spends her time making snow figures. They look like people that fell asleep on the ground and got covered by snow. Very cool, but a little disturbing.

We did end up with some epic icicles on our house and the girls like to open the upstairs windows and harvest them. 

The HIVE put together a fun dinner where we had all the families come eat yummy food and we watched Jason's awesome videos of the Jamaica trip. We took one more picture with Jason in the background because it seemed like the right thing to do.

Nova stayed in a kennel while we went to Idaho for Kaysen's wedding. She was so happy to have us back. Look how content she is. She really loves our family so much. And we love her too. (When she's not eating our groceries.)

Tyler doesn't play Farkle with us very often, but he played a game with us the other day and rolled 6 ones on his first roll. That is 8,000 points. Needless to say, it was the shortest game of Farkle I've ever played. Tyler said you don't see that every day, but Ivory showed him, by rolling 6 threes just a week later. 

The neon has been sitting by our curb for over a year. Bless our neighbors for calling the city and making us do something about it. (Really neighbors. You can come talk to us. We don't bite. Well, our dog does...) While we were gone on vacay, the kids managed to get the car in the garage. Props kiddos and some kind neighbors. (Not the ones who called us in.) Tyler got the Neon running again as well. We won't be driving it around. It will probably go straight to a donation site, but at least it should be able to get there on its own four wheels.

Real estate agents end up with some funny stories along the way. People have weird houses and weird things in their houses. Tyler ran across one last month. He went up into the attic and while looking for the light he saw a body. He said it took his breath away and he almost screamed. Turns out it was a wrapped up Santa, but I can totally see why he was startled.

Wrestling is over, but I found this cute picture of the girls feet at a competition early in February. 

Ivory likes to send creepy things to Annie. She finds cute stuffed animals and zombifies them. This guy looks pretty good with the centipede crawling out of his eye and the screws in his head. 

This is a dramatization of Beau's hair when she was wearing it Cruella style. The second picture was a preview of how her hair was going to look after she dyed it. It actually is a pretty good representation.

I took Beau with me to the Best Books event put on by the Provo Library. It is one of my favorite annual events. We did our mom pose and apparently my neck is only slightly broken. 

Now for a cool trick: We saw on Instagram this granddaughter and grandpa balancing on each other. The heavier person has to sit on top and you actually need a good difference in weight. Tyler and I got it on our first try. The girls couldn't do it, but I think they don't have enough difference in their weight. 

Here's a little tidbit from a random Sunday. Tyler was playing Thunderstruck and we were trying to sing along. None of us knew the lyrics. It's these little moments that make me smile and love my family even more.

Always good to put a month into the archives. See you around...

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