Thursday, March 2, 2023

Moca Had a Wedding

Hey all! We had a great week. Truly strove to be diligent. Worked hard, saw miracles.

One thing that's been kind of rough in this area has been getting people to church. The last few weeks, I felt like we put forth a good effort. Then no one came. So this week we went all out. We wanted to honestly be able to say we gave it our ALL. We testified about church in every lesson. We left a little card reminding them to go the church in every lesson and every contact, even if they already had a couple floating around their house. On Saturday we called a ton of people then spent most of our pros time walking around with Salomon, the most goated new convert ever (we are best friends and as we walk he teaches me creole and I teach him english) inviting everyone to church in person. 

Y VIMOS ÉXITO! We got 12 people in church and it felt great cuz it's been a minute.

Other fun stuff from this week. We planned a movie night with the ward and all our friends in teaching watching Coco. And it was actually insanely successful! So many people showed up. The ward made juice and popcorn and brought a projector. It came together so nicely.

Had an exchange with the legendary Hermanas Sanchez and Ramirez and learned so much from those stellar hermanas.

And had a total miracle where this inactive member made us came in when we were trying to walk by her house. Then she waved over this kid and proceeded to explain to him that for three months he is going to get visited by us a couple times a week and he is going to read all the homework we give him and go to church every Sunday, and when we invite him to get baptized he's going to say yes and his life will be forever changed. The kid nodded along the whole time and was totally into it.

Also shout out to my legendary sister for being born 17 years ago today. It's insane to me that my beautiful, talented, brilliant sister is already 17. I love you Marfil!

AND some of my favorite people in the entire world got married and baptized last week! Kayla and Alex, my amazing friends from Moca. Hermana Lee took good care of them and the ward pulled through to help and they got married on Valentines Day. Hna Lee sent me pictures and they look so happy. The gospel has truly changed their lives and I'm so glad I got to be part of their journey. They are definitely people I will be visiting when I come back here.

Hermana Cazier

Hypothetically, here's a bunch of random pictures from the last couple weeks, sorry about the lack recently.

(She wasn't kidding. She sent over 20 photos. So enjoy the overload. Some of them are cute wedding photos.)

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