Thursday, April 20, 2023

Band Tour 2022

(March 17th - 20th, 2022)

Ha. This is one of those useless posts where I have nothing important to say about it, since I wasn't there. But it's always fun to look at pictures. They say they are worth a thousand words, so I'll save you most of my blathering and just put them on here.

These are pictures from Robyn's band tour last year. The band went to California by bus. I find it interesting that they went straight to the beach. They got there are dusk, but they were bound and determined to go see the water. I guess that makes sense for the poor Utah kids who have never seen an ocean. This might be their one chance.

I'm sure there was some musical stuff that happened on tour, but the only pictures Robyn had were from Disneyland. (Can't blame her.) It looks like she had a lot of fun. 

Looks like there was a Loki sighting, as well as Anna and Elsa. (Doesn't Anna look like Sandra Bullock in that picture?)

K folks. That's all for today!

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