Thursday, April 13, 2023

Fan Art

(March 3rd, 2023)

I really enjoy having the fan art in the library at school. Last year was super stressful. Mr. Trent's father passed away and the funeral was right when the art show was going up. He missed the entire thing. I put it up with the help of a teacher and made all the voting slips and everything. It was pure chaos. The art was fantastic, but the voting was awful. Kids put in dozens of slips when they were only supposed to put one. In a school with 1400 students, we had over 1,000 votes. (I guarantee we did not have that many kids come in to view the art.) I promised myself that we would do digital voting the next year. Apparently it was such an ordeal that I literally took NO pictures. Whew, I was just trying to survive.

But this year was much better. I got the art up by myself and Mr. Trent put together a digital voting form. We had perhaps around 150 votes, so that shows you the difference. But it was much calmer and the whole experience was better for me.

Here are some of my favorite student art. 

Always got to have at least one actual fan art piece.

The sword was my favorite, followed closely by the pink lady holding the lollipop. She is a more realistic version of a Kingdom Crasher. Very creative.

I tried to get more teachers involved this year. We had a separate section where you could vote for teacher art. We only had five teachers submit art, so I supplemented and added about six pieces of my own, so it looked like more. But I'm hoping to inspire the teachers to submit more next year. Here are my favorite teacher pieces. (I did not include mine. You've seen them all before anyway.)

It was a fun event. It takes a lot of work, but I'm getting better at it. And we had 50 submissions from students. That's a win in my book.

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