Monday, April 10, 2023

Seamus is Busy

(March 17th, 2022 & 2023)

St. Patrick's Day is such an interesting holiday. Why do we even celebrate it over here in America? Regardless, I really like it. It has brought random happiness into our lives. Let's check out our annual coin stuck on our foreheads tradition.


Seamus came early in 2022 and dropped off a Wordle for each of the girls. Each day they would put in a word and each evening he would fill in the letters with gold and green. :) Each of the girls got their word eventually. Looks like some people got it in three. Can you guess on some of these? Sorry, they are hard to see. *

For some reason, we really have a lot of fun putting the coins on our heads and dropping them in the pot. Make your wish everyone.

That's a bit close Daisy. Maybe stand on a chair like Dad.

I'm sure Seamus left some treats, but I don't remember what they were and I don't have photographic evidence. Really, pictures are my memories.

* The words were Saint, Charm, March, and Magic


Yep, more coins on the foreheads.

And Daisy has figured out how to stand on a chair. (I kid, she always knew how to do that.)

Seamus left us Jeopardy in the morning. We wouldn't be able to play until the evening, but it looked fun.

It was funny, someone texted me on St. Patrick's Day and asked me to send a picture since they were sure I would be dressed up. Of course I was.

We played our Jeopardy game in the evening. Pearl was our winner! Go Pod. Everyone got a green gift. Well, Daisy's gift was teal, but it glowed green. I'm not sure any of us learned anything new. Oh, I did learn that blue is the most popular favorite color, followed by green.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here's to wearing green and wishing I had red hair. 

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