Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Conference Rewards - Murder Style

(April 24th, 2022)

It's hard to decide on a conference reward. There are many options and I think we are trying not to repeat too many things. It has to be not crazy expensive, but enough to entice people to spend time rereading the talks. Last year, we decided to do a Murder Mystery. If you read the talks, you could invite a person to attend with you. (You didn't have to.) And naturally we invited a few old favorites for fun. The Call's came as well at Kevin. (Who I guess is also a Call.)

I should have taken more pictures. It was a super fun night. Everyone got their character and really got into it. Tyler had an accent, Camie brought her own reporter microphone, and Brooklyn looked great in her 80s gear. Here are a few of us behind the scenes.

I thought it was a family friendly version, but there was plenty of 'stuff' scattered throughout, and Brooklyn's had swear words in it. Oops. Sorry. When everyone read their summary at the end, she kindly edited it while she read. (I really tried, people.)

It was still so fun. Of course, everyone had a motive for killing the victim. He wasn't that great a guy to begin with. (Isn't that always the case.) We all look pretty innocent, right?

Well, turns out it was Camie! Full-time reporter, part-time murderer. We punished her with extra dessert. She deserved it.

I would happily do a mystery again. It was such a blast. 

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