Saturday, May 27, 2023

Happy Mother's Day!!

It's been another amazing week in the field! We had probably the best lesson of my mission this week. We've been teaching this couple who is genuinely seeking the truth. It's crazy to see the difference between most people who are chill listening to the word of God and those select few who get so dialed in to the lesson, ask for understanding, and pay attention to the Spirit. Josue, the husband, told us about this amazing experience he had had on the day we had our last lesson with him. That night he had just opened up the Book of Mormon to a random page and he read a verse that basically said, "after hearing the word of God today, are you gonna keep doubting?" He told us he KNEW that was his answer and that this is the truth. We invited to baptism and they didn't accept the date but I've never felt so confident before that a baptism will happen on the date we extended. They have the date in their heads and they are reading the Book of Mormon and they know what the Spirit feels like. That combination equals two baptisms on June 3rd.

It was also really cool that I was on an exchange with a new missionary the day we had that lesson so she got to participate in an amazing lesson and see that there are truly escogidos out there. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of unsuccessful looking to find just one, but all the sweating and searching and rejection and discouragement is worth it for that one soul.

Other exciting things:

- I'm officially an aguilucha with a jersey as proof of my eternal commitment to this team (jk I just liked it better than the Licey jersey)

- we got sancocho

- I got to eat chili with two enormous scoops of red pepper flakes in it and it truly burned so good

- we sang Joseph Smith's first prayer to the tune of Come Thou Fount yesterday in church. Try it and you will find that it actually works.

- missionary work is amazing, I'm not sure I stressed that enough yet

- my mom is the best. She has played a huge part in making me the person I am today. I have always looked up to her and tried to emulate who she is. She is so kind to everyone, so creative and smart. She's hilarious and I could talk to her for hours. She's the super cool mom who can hang out with her kids' friends and just makes it more of a party. Through her I have felt my Heavenly Father's love constantly and I am so grateful that my mom is my mom and that she's gonna be my mom forever. I love you Mom!

Have a great week, you are deserve it!

Hermana Cazier

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