Tuesday, May 30, 2023

It's Not Every Day You Turn 18!

(April 26th, 2022)

Robyn turned 18 last year. I can't even remember if we did anything special. We should have, but who knows. Most likely we put more money towards her Africa trip. That seems like a sensible thing we would have done. And of course, we celebrated and did the normal stuff. 

Robyn really likes bagels and there is this great bagel place down in the Riverwoods, so we took her there. Weirdly, I can tell everyone is doing a hand sign in this picture but I don't remember what it meant. 

We also did cake. There don't seem to be enough candles on that cake, but there are plenty of raspberries. 

Then a couple gifts and a game. Robyn really likes Beyond Balderdash. She's pretty good at it too.

But the most fun was the balloons. We did an impromptu photo shoot and we had a lot of laughs. 

I sure love this girl. She is smart, funny, and quite the entertainment. I miss having her around more. 

I usually combine the posts from both years, but Beau had a late birthday this year since she was in Copenhagen for her birthday. So I'll put it on later.

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