Sunday, June 4, 2023

April Chatbook 2022

These are always some of my favorite posts. It's fun to see all the random pictures we take in a given month. It also means I'm getting closer to finishing up last year. Don't get too excited, there is still a ways to go, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Although I don't recommend biking through a tunnel for an entire year. It does get discouraging. :)

But let's jump right into April of last year. 

Don't you love roly-polies? They are one of those sweet bugs that give bugs a good name. Granted, they can't make up for the damage mosquitos have caused the insect world, but they do make life a little better.

My April display at the library involved GIANT PEEPS. It was a shout out to our High School and their peep dioramas. I'm sad I didn't get to see those.

Although I don't celebrate April Fools' day, the girls still will do their own thing. Pearl printed out cats and put them all over the house. We slowly collected them and put them on the oven. They were there for months, worshiping the large cat above.

Book group was at Trudy's house. Her husband, Oz, got a 3D printer and he has been busy making cool things. He made a portal gun, which is frankly epic. Also a cool sword and little planter tags for her herbs. Those are my kind of tags.

So, remember how I couldn't recall what Ivory did for her day date for prom? Well, I'm pretty sure they did a paint nite. (But during the day.) This was Ivory's piece. It is very calming. 

Oh, good memories, but not really. The HIVE group decided to create a coed softball team and join the city league. We were not great, but we figured we might have similar competition. Nope. Everyone was really good and very intense about the games. We lost by a LOT, almost every time. I think we beat one team. Which means, they were having a worse time than we were. Needless to say, we didn't sign up again this year.

Tyler rolled his ankle while running across first base. It was bad, but not as bad as it could have been. Even with the super swollen ankle and bruising, he didn't break it. The surgery he did held true. In fact, his surgeon bragged it up pretty hard that he did such a good job, that Tyler couldn't manage to out-do it, despite his best efforts. Looks painful though.

Pearl lost a tooth, but it wasn't really ready to go. It had a root that was very much still attached. Tyler managed to rip it out, but it looked so painful. Pearl was glad to have it gone, even with all the pain involved. At that point, you might as well be grateful. 

Nova pics for the month. She is such a funny dog. I especially like the one where Tyler put his glasses on her.

June spoke in church in Oregon. It was really cool because we were able to Zoom in and listen. Technology really is an awesome thing. I'm still so happy we can talk to her every week and see her lovely face.

Robyn and I went to see Camelot. The music was good, but it definitely isn't my favorite play.

Here is a conference moment. Everyone busy and listening to the prophet. Those are the best weekends.

Family walk in the canyon. I can identify everyone from behind. Can you?

Here is proof that the kids mow the lawn at least once a year. Good job Daisy. 

We got the extra room downstairs cleaned up a bit and stored all of June's stuff. It has been sitting there patiently waiting. We also made it the gun room. And then it also promptly started to fill with random stuff. I think our house creates stuff.

Tyler did a crack off at work too. I have no idea who won. But I do love that they still do one.

Hive did axe throwing. Tyler said he couldn't miss during the practice shots, but then couldn't hit anything when it counted. That's my kind of luck.

Found this super old picture of a very skinny Elder Cazier on this mission in Brazil. What a great smile.

I think this is the girls waiting outside while we hid Easter eggs. They usually go on a walk, so they must have gotten back early? I actually don't know.

Chocolate portrait basically finished. The pretzel eye was added and then the cookie phone and frosting background. Not bad. I feel like this piece was done so long ago. It's weird to think June has never seen it in person.

Sunday selfie!

And to wrap up last April, here is a weird Ivory creation. When she goes into the kitchen, you never know what will come out. She had some elaborate bowl system with baking and colors. The end result was...well...this.

Does it look ombre inside? Maybe like a sunset? Sure.

Happy last April everyone. In fact, you should go and look back in your own photos and find one from April 2022 and have a little trip down memory lane.

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