Thursday, June 22, 2023

April Chatbook 2023

Hello progress. Sometimes it's hard to see you. The blog has always been such a joy and a task that never laundry. But it is always a great boon to say another month is squared away. (Haha, actually, it isn't quite, but the only post missing from this last April is Choir Tour and I have promises from those who participated that they will write me an epic post. Tyler is involved, so I'm actually worried about length, but beggars can't be choosers.)

I have quite a few extra pictures from this month, so sit back and enjoy a post that makes me happy in more ways than one. 

Beau and I went out to lunch with Jorri. (Sorry Jorri, you didn't make the picture.) We tried out a Chilean? place. It was so delicious. We have some hidden treasures around our city.

Janille and Aric invited us to see the Titanic. I wasn't planning on attending since everyone knows how it ends, but I was really glad we went. It was very touching and interesting to learn about some of the history surrounding it. Also, the set was epic. The way they made the different layers of the boat and even how the boat tilted at the end was super cool. When we first walked into the theater, they gave each of us a boarding pass with the name of an actual passenger. Then they also wrote on the ticket whether they made it or not. Out of the four of us, only one person survived. A first class woman. The rest of us died. :(

Let's have our Nova moment right away. I was comparing the dog to people the other day. Sometimes you know someone who is really awesome, except they have this one trait that keeps them from succeeding or progressing. You wish they could change because it would help them so much, but you can't make those decisions for them. Well, Nova is the sweetest dog and so fun, right up until a stranger or another animal gets in her space. If she could just get along with other critters, life would be so much easier for her (and us) but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Tyler was getting the rental fixed up and he invited Beau to paint with him one day. She's a great conversationalist on trips. At least once you get there. :)

Finally got Pearl on the reading train. This school year has been the best for her, series wise. She has tried many new books and seems to be hooked. Sometimes you just need the right books to get you going. 

Sunday selfie!

I had a fun idea for the April display at the library. I really liked how it turned out with my rain coming down. Beau made my person, since I can't draw and Daisy made the books. She did such a good job making the spines authentic. Excellent! I even had mini umbrellas hanging from the ceiling. Everyone loved those and I got lots of comments on them.

Tyler and Ivory were gone for a chunk of the month at choir tour. On Sunday, Tyler asked if we did the traditional hearts during church. I forgot, but we quickly drew them on and I sent him a picture saying, "Of course we remembered." Good thing he doesn't read the blog. ;)

We also went and grabbed some treats while it was just the three of us. I don't know why, but when it is less people, it seem mandatory to get a treat together. I fear for when Pearl is the only one at home. Will I feel the need to go get treats all the time? (Who am I kidding? I get treats all the time now.)

The three of us also went walking along the river trail as a fun activity. Pearl loved the ducks and spent a lot of time trying to get a good picture of them. 

Pearl continues to puzzle. Virginia gave us this 2,000 piece puzzle years ago. We started it and then had to move it, which led to the epic table flip, which actually didn't work at all like Tyler hoped. Since then, the puzzle has been stored away until I cleaned out a room and found it. So Pearl finished it. She is such a puzzle boss. And amazingly, every piece was there. That is a miracle in itself.

Pearl had a cooking class the second semester of school. I loved it because she brought me all her creations. So did another girl, named Emily, so often I was spoiled on cooking days. One day they did cupcake wars. Pearl's group did raspberry lemon cupcakes. I think they won best presentation. But they were also delicious!

I took this picture because that sign made me laugh every time I walked into the library. I would read across the top and then down, so in my mind it said, "April is Child Abuse Month." Pearl said she read it the same way. I recommend a new sign. Whenever I got a little snarky with Pearl, I would remind her it was child abuse month. (*I obviously do not support or condone any forms of child abuse and it is not a laughing matter...most of the time.)

I tried making Millionaire Shortbread (a recipe from the Great British Baking cookbook, so you have to convert ALL the measurements) and it turned out pretty well. Except for the part where I left the sugar out of the shortbread layer. I was so mad at myself. The rest was so good and the chocolate was perfect. It never even got spotty in the fridge. And I actually loved them. I ate every last piece. Maybe I should try those again soon...this time with the sugar.

Rainbow. Just a smidge, but I love catching them.

The conference wall got a makeover. Too many of the frames were broken, so I got some new ones. We went white this time. But they don't hang straight, so it looks like a wind is perpetually blowing through  the hallway.

Sunday selfie!!

And another selfie at church. What a handsome fellow.

Tyler rigged a rope to tie onto Nova's harness. That way she can be outside with us. We've learned from experience that you can't have her off the leash. Too many neighborhood pets are in danger.

I don't know what medium this is, but this artwork by Beau is pretty cool.

Analena did a show downtown. Artists put up their art in different shops and you can stroll through and check it out and purchase if you like. I know she sold at least one piece, so that is cool. Analena really likes geese and someone even brought a white duck in to visit for a while. I'm glad we got to stop by and see her work on display.

With the nicer weather (finally!!) Beau often comes to ride the grom. Analena is her buddy a lot of the time.

Ivory has been busy. She's been doing a movie with Pam. She has had lots of practices and then days of filming. I hope that someday we'll get to see it. She helped move a lot of set pieces around in her truck. That means she visited the infamous storage unit. That place terrifies me. 

Ivory also started playing with a D&D group. She made her character first of course. She is a Githyanki which is like a space elf? Forgive my ignorance, but I don't know a lot of D&D and that is not a typical character. She's only gone a few times, but she seems to be enjoying herself. Oddly, she is the only girl in a group of 6 or 7 boys. She probably likes the attention more than the actual game. 

Oh, I almost forgot about this picture. When I was going through Ivory's photos, I ran across this one and I said, "I sure hope that is ketchup." Nope. Turns out it was blood...Isaac's blood. He got a bloody nose while in the truck and decided to stick his head out the window. Efficient but gory.

That's a wrap folks. April is in the books. As you can see, it is always a party around here. This last picture is so cute. That is great timing getting Nova's tongue. 

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