Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Way God Reveals Truth

Hey amigos! Espero que estén super bien! Sorry in advance for how long this email is, I just started writing and I kind of take after my dad in my longwindedness.

This week was awesome. I realized that if I want to baptize someone before I leave this country, basically the only option July 8th. So I spent this week inviting everyone to get baptized on that day. We had so many spiritual lessons. Some rejections, lots of, "vamo a ver" y "si Dios quiere", but also a couple yeses! It would be an insane miracle if we can actually pull a baptism or two together for the eighth but we are gonna do our best.

But our people are doing the work to get there!! We put two kids of inactive members on date for the 8th. We had been teaching them for quite a while and they never have come to church. But a date was just what they needed to get up the next day and haul the family to church!! And there is a couple we are working so hard to baptize but it's tricky because they are very busy so we don't get to teach them much, and they also want to know everything before committing. In my personal study this week I read Alma 32 and it was literally for them. Every verse just made me think, "Maria and Josue, Maria and Josue". It is all about how faith is NOT a perfect knowledge and how you have to act in faith to see if the word is good. And as you do, you can gain a perfect knowledge in that thing, or in the knowledge that the word is good or true, even though you still don't have a perfect knowledge of all things. We read it with them and it was really cool.

Maria and Josue told us they wouldn't be able to come to church because they had a family commitment and I was sad. Then true joy filled my soul when they walked in anyway before the sacrament even got passed. They left after first hour to go straight to Maria's mom's house and I am so proud of them for acting in faith and putting God first!! 

The work is picking up and GUYS the mission is getting some SICK changes. It is so cool. There is a NEW Preach My Gospel. Version 2.0. For members' and missionaries' daily use since gathering Israel is the most important work going on on both sides of the veil. It has so many epic changes and I can't even start to say how heartbroken I am that this is coming out when I have three weeks left to apply it in the field. Thank goodness missions are forever and I get to keep using it when I'm not a missionary anymore. I haven't read very much of it yet since it just came out a couple days ago but I am so excited to get to know the new PMG better and apply it! 

The first day it was released, I studied it for half an hour then I studied the Book of Mormon for half an hour. As I studied I was thinking about truth. God, in His mercy, has revealed and continue to reveal truth to us in many ways. The Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We receive modern day revelation through the prophet and his ordained apostles. They wrote the last PMG by revelation, and now they have replaced it with a new PMG that has also been revealed by revelation. The flow of revelation is continuous because times are changing and God gives guidance to help us get through the changes in the world. But no one is gonna come out with a new Book of Mormon because the Book of Mormon contains eternal truths that will never change no matter what changes in the world. We need both types of guidance to get through life with peace, happiness, and protection.

God's plan is so awesome.

Dang sorry this is getting quite long but I have more to say. AreaBook or la carpeta, the app we use as missionaries, has been updated and has some awesome changes to fit the new Preach My Gospel. It truly has become such a useful tool with so many applications and ideas on how to plan, find, and GO BAPTIZE NATIONS!!

And everyone in the mission got their own phone this week. It was really cool that that happened at the exact same time as the new PMG and the changes to the app so that we can all use technology at the same time to hasten the Lord's work! And to study the new PMG because it's only available online at the moment.

Anyway, life continues to be amazing and God continues to be good! Have a great week!

Hermana Cazier 

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