Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Golden Celebration

(July 17th, 2023)

Since we didn't get to celebrate on her actual birthday, we tried to make Daisy's golden birthday super special a couple of days later.

We all got up bright and early. The girls went to town decorating, Tyler hung streamers, Pearl put together gifts, I made a cake, and June took Daisy's gold outfit down to her. (No birthday tiara, but yes, gold clothes.) It all came together nicely.

Daisy seemed to dig the gold decor.

In the morning she opened gifts and Grandma Dargan got to watch over Messenger. Not all of Daisy's gifts were gold, but they were all well received.

I think her favorite were the colored contacts. I already mentioned them in her photo shoot, but she really loved how they looked. (Me too.)

See, that looks normal, right?

Gold balloons, of course!

These two were rocking their looks. Such cute sisters.

I worked really hard on Daisy's cake. As usual, it didn't quite work out. The frosting wasn't as firm as I was hoping. It was more of a soft cream filling. It tasted good, but didn't hold well. Classic Maleen. Also, the cake itself wasn't that great. I'm a little disappointed in that cake cookbook I have. But I did discover the secret. If you don't feed your kids lunch, everyone will eat a piece of cake. Hunger is the best seasoning. Daisy also found these epic long gold candles, but they didn't stay upright very well. We had to light them quickly.

Daisy got them all and was careful not to burn herself.

We went to watch Elemental in theaters and that was pretty cute. First movie that June has seen since coming back from her mission. Then we went to eat at Blaze Pizza. I told you it was a Daisy favorite.

It was a really fun day and I think Daisy felt special. That is what matters. We are so lucky to have her in our family. In the evening, she finally took her contacts out. One eye of each color. It's called Heterochromia. 

Oh, we measured her on her real birthday. She only grew a smidge, but just enough to stay taller than June. ;)

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