Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Don't Ghost Me

(June 26th - July 1, 2023)

So much going on. Lots of it, is little tidbits. Do I save those pictures for the chatbook or include it in the week? These are the hard decisions I have to make. Being a blogger isn't all fun and games. ;p

This last week was really fun. We are mostly keeping to our summer schedule. But since it is flexible, it doesn't really matter. It has actually been very enjoyable. We worked on the garage again (for the 2nd week) and made good progress. I don't have many pictures. Here are some before photos so you can see what we are dealing with. It is a project for the strong of heart and endurance. We even got Tyler to help us out. I greatly appreciate his input so we don't move his tools somewhere he can't find them again.

And Nova continues to enjoy hanging out with us. She doesn't mind 'cleaning' the garage at all.

Let's talk about our spoiled dog for a minute. She is so needy and wants constant love and attention. Oddly, on the same day, two people came into the computer room, sat in the same chair, and picked up the dog. See, spoiled? And it's never enough.

Our treat for the week was mini upsidedown peach cakes. They were okay. Weirdly, every time I looked at them on the counter, I kept thinking it was bacon on top. Bacon cake? Maybe that will be next week.

We did some shopping. We are trying to get ready for a cruise so we need some swimsuits. But really it was a distraction to get the kids out of the house so Zeke could come over to surprise them. He and Ivory made empanadas. They were actually pretty good, but anything made in frying oil is going to be messy. 

Granny V also dropped off a whole bunch of daylilies that she uprooted from her yard. She brought down bags of them to Utah and the girls helped replant them. 

Daisy really wanted to get out the bubble wands. We found them in the garage and she missed our bubble date from a couple years ago. So I let the kids play outside. I think they made better and bigger bubbles than we made before. 

Our hike got pushed back to Friday but I also wanted to play miniature golf. I ended up asking what people preferred and the kids couldn't agree. So I did both activities. First up was hiking with Ivory. She found a hike not too far away called Ghost Falls and we headed out there. 

Unfortunately, the road that led to the trailhead was washed out. So we followed different trails around until we finally found the trailhead. It was a lovely area with much of the path shaded. Ivory chose it because the app said it had wildlfowers and wildlife. We did see some flowers and many birds. Ivory does not count birds, but we also saw a little mousey guy in the bushes for a split second, so we'll call that good.

Along the way, we even saw the back side of the Draper temple. 

Mighty pic for the books.

We didn't hike too terribly long, but Ivory was pretty tired by the end. And it was hot. But we'll go back sometime soon because we never hiked Ghost Falls. We only found the trailhead.

Then later that day, we went miniature golfing. Analena and Beau came with us so that was really fun.

I had to go first on each hole, so I was the guinea pig. But it was really fun and a great afternoon activity.

Our winner was Analena! She said she was bad at golf, but her score says otherwise. Also, she went last each time, so maybe she was taking notes about what not to do...

That's it folks. Another week of summer gone. And it's already July. Someone stop the sun. It's going too fast.

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