Saturday, July 1, 2023

Donut Just Figure

(June 19th-24th, 2023)

Whew, what a crazy great week! Our cleaning adventures took us to the garage. The garage is my nemesis. It has spiders and dust, my two great enemies. We found a couple fat spiders (yuck) and my nose ran the whole time we cleaned. And there is enough stuff out there that we are going on three weeks cleaning and we aren't quite done. But we've made great progress. The garage sort of becomes chaos. Like this area here. 

But with a little organization and getting rid of trash can make a space much nicer.

And of course sometimes the floor just needs a good sweep. 

It has been so nice outside that we often put Nova on the rope so she can be with us in the yard.

We bumped our hike up a day so Analena could come. She usually works on Thursday. I've heard about Donut Falls since I've moved here. We tried to hike it last year, but we went the wrong way. So we decided to try again. Spoiler: We still didn't make it. But the drive up Big Cottonwood is lovely and I'd do it again.

We started in the right place. We took our selfie straight into the sun, so we are all squinting, but most of the actual trail was shaded.

It was really cold. The sun was shining, but it was a chilly morning and we were in the mountains. We tried to soak up every little bit of sunshine we saw. Brrr.

There was even still snow in patches. Not a lot, but enough to know that summer hadn't soaked all the way in up here.

There were many logs on the trail. Some were small, but a few were more substantial. The girls crawled over this one on the way in, but they took my alternate trail on the way out.

We hiked until the water took over the trail. The river was really full. On the drive up, you could see the river splashing and foaming next to the highway. So it didn't surprise me that it was overflowing in places. The problem was that we didn't know where to go. Both these pictures have a stream which has replaced the trail.

We eventually decided that the trail went across the river, but it was really deep and the little plank bridge was mostly submerged. We weren't dressed for water and we were already freezing. So we opted to turn around.

You could see the river from a couple points so I tried to get a picture.

It was still a wonderful hike and so beautiful, even if we didn't make it to Donut Falls...again. We are still mighty!

 And of course we had to get donuts after. And beignets. Delicious.

Since we weren't hiking on Thursday, Ivory planned a picnic. She chose food and everyone had an assignment. We even got Dad and Beau to come. 

We played some frisbee and spikeball. (June, the girls are getting good. It will be so fun to play when you get home.) And we went over to the playground and pond. The ducks are so cute. We saw teens and toddlers. The water is so blue. I wonder what they put in it?

Treat this week was frozen s'mores bars. They were good but forgettable, as evidenced since we still have some in the freezer.

I've been playing more tennis with Pearl. We try to go a couple times a week. Let's just say that I wear her out. She is good, but she can't beat me quite yet.

Friday, we went to the local pool. I read and my little fish had a great time. 

It was a great week. Summer is slowly slipping by.

1 comment:

  1. How blue the water looks in those pictures. I love looking at water - much more than I love being in it! Everybody here is dieting so we don't get yummy treats. I guarantee if those treats had been left in OUR freezer, everybody would have been sneaking them.
