Thursday, July 6, 2023

June Chatbook 2023

I honestly thought that since I've been keeping up on the posts and pictures in June that there would be hardly anything for the chatbook. Boy was I wrong. We had so many fun little random bits here and there. This one is for you June. The last chatbook I'm going to email you. Let's go!

Ivory had a shooting activity with the young women. I hope she made her dad proud even though he wasn't there. I read on facebook that when they took the group picture, they told the girls to pose like Charlie's Angels, and no one knew what that was. :)

Tyler and I found a cute dragonfly as we were walking. I felt bad because he was sunning himself on the cement path and we disturbed him. He flew a few feet ahead and settled back down, still on the path. So seconds later, we disturbed him again. He was not a fast learner. He resettled on the path in front of us a dozen times before he figured out that he should go farther away if he wanted some peace.

Ah yes, this was the beginning of the month when I was trying to do ab workouts. That was before I was broken. Ivory did a good job leading them. But it was one of many challenges that didn't quite stick.

Way back on our first hike, Beau found a whole bunch of ladybugs. She even got a video of them mating. Special. I still think it's good luck if one lands on you.

Daisy and I were trying to walk in the morning. We only went a few times. Some of us like to sleep in (pointing at you Daisy.) But we enjoyed some lovely mornings. I especially love these roses at a neighbor's house.

Daisy finally washed the window! She started a pot of gold in March and never finished it. So it was sitting there for a couple months. Time to go.

Sunday Selfie!

While the girls were changing rooms, we worked on getting rid of things. Pearl definitely likes to hold onto sentimental items. This was a pistachio shell she has broken open. She had it under her pillow since she was worried I would throw it away. (Yes, she is right to worry.) I took pictures though. Isn't that enough?

Daisy was carrying stuff from one room to another. I didn't realize her bun was so handy for transport.

We saw this precious family of ducks in the neighborhood. So cute. Look closely, and you can see one falling down. I guess ducks can be clumsy too. Beau found the same ducks later and took a picture too. So adorable.

Hahaha. This picture is so funny. The shadows give Pearl evil eyebrows. Very sinister.

Ivory did a challenge to wear her hair in braids every day in June. She didn't make it, but her braids still look really good. (Not sure why we started all these random challenges...)

In fact, everyone did some braiding. Pearl tried her hand and did her first french braid.

And Daisy did this epic five strand french braid. So gorgeous. I didn't know she could braid like that.

Beau and Analena need some new hobbies. I think they get bored and decide to play with their hair. Every week something is changed whether it is length or color. It is a little comical to me. This is bangs day. 

Beau was giving grom lessons to Analena. I don't think she can ride quite yet. But they often take off and enjoy the nice weather. Usually it is Analena, but sometimes a sister goes too.

Daisy didn't want the ping pong table down in her room. So she put it on KSL and sold it. Nicely done Dais. She only got minimal help from Tyler. So we gave her part of the profits. Poor Nova, no longer will she jump up and sharknova the ping pong balls. 

Tyler loves soda and he found a couple new ones recently. Although he raved about both, the only staple in the house is the strawberry Dr. Pepper. 

Okay, so here is another week. More layers and shorter hair for Beau.

Ivory did more filming. I love how pretty her hair is. And I miss seeing Amy. I can't believe she's been married a year now.

Fresh flowers. I love them and hate them. Because I know they can't last.

Daisy found her stash of old glasses. Would you call her 8 eyes?

Pearl did this awesome 2000 piece puzzle. I think this one is so cute. It didn't take her long, but we did have to set up a special table since it was so large.

Sunday Selfie!!

The month of June was actually a little bit rainy. I loved it and it kept things cool for a while. And that also means snails. I love them so. Good thing I don't garden.

Pearl and Rachel went to the temple. Not too long until we will have a closer temple!

I love this sweet moment captured in my room. The girls love to come in at night. It is always past bedtime, but too soon these moments will be gone. 

Pearl cleaned out the coat closet. I didn't realize how thorough she was. I never sit up there to clean.

Tyler found some mushroom earrings and tried them as nose plugs. Remind me not to wear those ones.

One of the big things cluttering the garage was the Neon. It stopped working right after June left on her mission. It sat by the curb until the neighbors ratted us out in February and we moved it to the garage where it sat for many more months taking up precious weather-free realty. It only took us a year and a half to get rid of it. But finally, we towed it away and now can use the space for working vehicles.

Ivory got bangs too! Just kidding. That is just the bottom of her hair flipped over her head.

I'm always amazed at where Nova will sleep. These positions don't look comfortable to me. I think she likes to have her face smashed against something.

What the what?? How can these be named the same thing? They are clearly not the same. Anyone think cool whip and whipped cream are the same?? I didn't think so...

Tyler and I went to listen to Jorri sing in a choir at the BYU MOA. It was so beautiful and amazing. I loved it. I didn't take any pictures of the choir (should have) but I did get this picture of Tyler. Close enough?

I love catching Nova with her tongue out.

We've been slightly obsessed with this song called Makeba by Jain. It's a jam. The girls made some simple dance moves and are hilarious to watch. 

Daisy and I went to the small theater that we have season tickets to. We watched Gideon vs. the Gods of Cool. It was strange but surprisingly funny in parts. I feel like the cast had great voices and basically the whole play was sung. It was an experience. 

Always interesting to see who is paying attention when someone gets a phone out. Clearly not me.

When we did our youth fundraiser auction, Ivory auctioned off a game night with dinner. The Rushforth's bought it and they came over with Rubia and we had such a fun evening. Great food and even better company. It was a little tricky to find games that were blind-friendly for Adam, but we played Think n Sync and My Team. It was super fun. I hope they got their money's worth.

I love our color changing roses. Pearl took a picture of this little bud. I also love how good they smell. The perfect rose scent. 

I signed up to give blood and Tyler came to visit me. There was no one there so he felt guilty and decided to donate too! What a trooper. He looks good in any setting.

All their stuff is high tech now. They have little machines that keep track of everything, including how long it takes you to donate. It wasn't a competition, but I gave blood in 5 minutes flat and it took Tyler 7 minutes and 9 seconds. In the end, it just means that if we are both in a serious accident, I'm going to bleed to death faster than he is. :(

We finally did our conference reward. We were SO slow. We planned to go see The Little Mermaid in theaters. It wasn't coming out until the end of May, but then we forgot to go until late June. Tyler gave up his ticket to Analena since he didn't care to see it. But it was so fun! Prince Eric has a solo that Daisy is obsessed with. I love how closely it follows the animated version. It was really fun!

Guys, that's it! You made it through the chatbook, over 50 pictures. Don't count, I promise there are tons. Stay tuned for more Cazier adventures!

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