Sunday, November 5, 2023

August Chatbook 2023

We're not so far away from August that the warm days are not remembered with fondness, especially by June who is hating this cold weather that is descending upon us. So let's get some pictures on here to remember the good ole days.

I got my hair cut. I was waiting for June to get home and then it was time.

We had a few more days with Baby B. She featured at the end of July and beginning of August. I miss that cute face.

Analena had a birthday. I think we were going to be gone on the cruise for her actual birthday, so we celebrated her before. And then she carved cool designs into Beau's head. Pretty epic, but it doesn't last long since hair grows quickly.

Found myself a 'Stewart.' He was quite the friendly guy. I love the close up detail.

After a nice rainfall, we found a lot of snails. Lots of baby ones too. Did you know that snails hatch out of eggs with a small shell already there?

Ivory and I went to Treasure Island. It didn't seem to end the way I'm used to, but I liked the changes.

Pearl has been puzzling again. I don't really count the color one. That is so easy, you can finish in less than an hour.

More I'm hoping this isn't a precursor to our winter. Meanwhile, we've had people in to seal holes and stuff. Hopefully that keeps them outdoors.

I saw a lovely rainbow when I was thrust outside during a fire drill. Also a double rainbow. Can you see the faint second one?

June and I went shopping for some school clothes and found these awesome lobster shirts. We didn't buy them, but we did send a picture to Jonny, saying we were shopping for Beth. :)

June and I are working steadily on our new stitching projects. You can tell what that is right? (It reminds me of a flea circus.)

Sunday Selfie.

We had twin day at school and my favorite duo was Annie and Emma in these huge hats. Excellent.

Pearl's finger came in contact with molten starburst at a Young Women's activity. Apparently, skin doesn't like that. Pearl had quite the burn, which looked worse when the skin sloughed off.

Cotton candy clouds. Love the pink and blue.

June and Beau both moved out. They each share a room with another person and have pretty good roommates I think. They spent a lot of time together buying apartment essentials and helping each other get settled. It's good bonding time. They actually only live a few minutes from each other which makes it nice since there is only one car between them.

There was a blue moon in August. Sadly, it has nothing to do with color, but instead has to do with the fact it is the second full moon in the calendar month. I was a little disappointed. But it still looked cool. Tyler and I went on a date to the top of the parking garage to watch it rise.

I have no idea what is happening here. Pillow case? Bird drawings? I'm confused, but I approve.

June went to the Together in Christ, Area YSA Conference. She missed a few events because of the cruise, but she caught some other ones when she got back. Pretty cool idea.

Pearl got a trim too. You can't really tell since her hair is still ridiculously long, but it is now straighter at the ends.

We finally told June about the Owl City concert we got tickets to. It was for her birthday, but we had to tell her early since she needed to get work off. We each wrote down a word and she had to guess what they meant. She figured it out easily and was so excited!

June is now a temple worker at the Provo temple. I am a temple worker at the Orem temple, but it is cooler for her since her temple is open and I have to wait a few months before mine is open. 

Stunning God-rays this day. Lovely.

And we'll end with an evening walk. Can you see the Orem temple in the background? It's so pretty at night. I'm glad we can see it frequently.

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