Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Avalanche Clean-up

(September 9th, 2023)

In our area, September now has an annual day of service where you can help out your community. I don't know if it is linked to 9/11, but maybe it is. Regardless, this year, Pearl needed some hours for National Junior Honor Society and it seemed like a good thing to get involved in, so we signed up.

We went to help out at Bridal Veil Falls. Apparently, there was an avalanche there last January and it wiped out the trail that hikers and walkers often take. The snow eventually melted and left a wake of debris and destruction. The trail was slowly put back together, but all the leftover trees were still a mess.

Four of us went there to help out. The younger girls were such troopers. We spent some time on the hill picking up large sticks and branches. Daisy spent a lot of time by the bottom of the falls, scooping things out the water. I think she was wet most of the time we were there. We slowly migrated over to the bridge and helped get gunk out of the water flowing under the bridge. We helped load the wheelbarrow and take it down to dump it. 

It was actually a good project. They gave us donuts and after an hour and a half, we went home. Multiple crews came out that day to work on the project. I visited the falls again only a couple weeks and it was looking much better. Mother Nature can be quite the messy host, but it probably helped clean out old trees. There is a cycle in all things. This winter, we'll just pray for less snow. 

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