Tuesday, November 28, 2023


(October 2023)

Every year in October I want to do a fun Halloween display in the windows, but we usually do Teen Read week and I end up decorating for that instead. Then I don't want to change everything for just a week or two. I've had all these fun Halloween ideas that have just been sitting there. 

This year, however, Mr. Trent left on a cruise during the time we do Teen Read week. With the added burden of National Junior Honor Society and him being gone, I was feeling swamped. I didn't know how I was going to do it all. Then he told me that we don't have to do Teen Read week in October. We can do it anytime. What?? That is genius. (He doesn't know, but we are never doing it in October again. Not if I can help it. Instead, I'll be doing Halloween displays.) 

I started small for my first time. Just something simple and fun. I got Beau and her friend Courage to help make ghosts and I love how it turned out. 

Emily has been doing my stand up signs and I love her little decorations.

I put up some streamers and more ghosts inside. I think my favorite part is hanging things on the inside of the doors. 

Emily also helped me change the inside display. We did Peek-a-book and put up the most checked out books in the library. Then we covered them by genre and you could check under to see which ones were the most popular. It was a fun display.

It is a fun little enterprise to keep the library decorated. It's been nice to have the extra help from Emily. And she isn't even a library aide until next semester. I'm spoiled this year.

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