Saturday, December 2, 2023

October Chatbook 2023

October was a great month. I already miss it but that is probably because it is snowing right now and I'm not ready for winter, even if it IS December. So let's look back at those lovely fall moments.

At school Emily helps make my signs to go outside. It started as something for her to do during lunch, since she doesn't like to go to the lunchroom, but after seeing her art and penmanship skills, she's hired. I haven't done a sign yet this year.

Four of us went up to see Catch Me If You Can. This play has nothing to do with the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. It had a twisty ending that I didn't see coming. Don't worry, I won't spoil it. You'll have to go yourself.

I love when teachers go above the normal requirements to make things fun for the students. For the orchestra concert, they played some music from The Nightmare Before Christmas, so Mrs. Tippetts dressed up as Jack Skelington. Props!

I got these cute donut earrings. They are so realistic. But you'd have to eat like 50 donuts that size to get a good bite.

Beau and June continue to make dinner together now and then. Sometimes it looks truly scrumptious! And sometimes I send food home with them. I'm always more than happy to share food.

Daisy is found in her Comfy more often with the colder weather settling in. Sometimes she looks very strange in it. This first picture is NOT photoshopped. Daisy is holding herself up and she tucked in her legsShe does look very ghosty.

I don't like the creepy tiny babies. But I do appreciate the humor of putting one in the spider's maw. :)

Utah, you so beautiful. Between epic sunsets, wispy clouds, and even foggy days, it never is boring around here.

Since June works at the MTC, she sometimes runs into people we know. Her recent run ins include Elder Densley, Elder Bates, and Elder Nield.

Can you see the creature lurking under Beau? I think she is protecting us from it.

Sunday Selfie!

Not a bad impression of Cousin It.

Uncle Tim and Erin came to visit for a couple days. They were looking into a device that might help Erin communicate better. It was such a pleasure to see them, even for a brief time. We don't get nearly enough time with our CA family.

I went to another of Jorri's concerts. They are so lovely. This one was in a new city building by the library. It was a nice location. What really made the evening memorable was leaving the truck lights on and having to ask Jake for a ride home. He was so kind to drive me and Pearl and pick up June on the way back. 

Last chatbook, you saw Jafar. Here is one of the other friendly snakes that Mr. Longson has. Her name is Marvel. She is smaller, but still a handful.

The kids had a glow party for a mutual activity. That sounds like a good time and I love how Pearl attached glow sticks to her glasses.

Beau dyed her hair blue, purple, and pink. Very fun and cheerful.

We went to see Wait Until Dark at BYU. It was SO GOOD! I was worried about not liking the characters as well as the movie, but those students smashed it. For some of the kids, it was the first time seeing it. What a great show.

These two look so cute. It looks like Christmas morning, but Tyler's a bit old to be waiting at the top of the stairs.

Guys! That's it. Kind of a short chatbook this time around. Time to jump into November.

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