Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Thankful Turkey 2023

(Monday, November 20th, 2023)

I think it might have been June's year to make the turkey while she was on her mission. So we had Beau do it instead. However, the 2022 turkey has still not been laminated. Beau made it, we took it to CA and had the Kelly's draw on feathers, we brought it home, left it for a year and then finally glued it together and yet...it is not finished!! Beau refused to put the year on it. (And I actually have no idea where it is now.) I hope it shows up again next year so we can get it on the wall. If you want to remember what it looks like, scroll through this post

Meanwhile, with June home this year, she was in charge of the turkey. She came up with a fun idea to do a black and white turkey. He looks very sharp.

But probably the most astounding thing was that I figured out how to hang the turkeys...finally. Every year I put them up with tape and nothing keeps them on the wall. Each morning, we come down to see how many turkeys gave up and landed on the floor during the night. I've tried all sorts of fancy sticky stuffs. This year, it finally clicked. I put up ribbon and strung the turkeys with clothes pins. 

Seriously, why didn't I think of this years ago? It will look nicer next year. I just barely got the idea going. Next year (this year - 2024) it's my turn for the turkey. We are a bit out of order. I'll see if I can make something half as good as tux turkey.

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