Sunday, April 7, 2024

194th Annual Conference

(April 6-7, 2024)

Conference weekend is the best! I love it so much. It is the best time to recharge and relax and soak in family and prophets and good food and stitching. It makes me smile.

We actually ended up with some bonus activities (thanks to June) so conference was a little more crowded, but the more, the merrier. First up, Daisy made us some awesome BINGO sheets. I loved them. And she even made little snack bags for us. You didn't have to use them on the bingo sheets. They were just for munchies. I was a little picked on. One square said: Someone cries—extra points if it's mom. (I never cried) Another square said: Speaker makes everyone laugh—extra points if mom cackles. (I admit, when Elder Kearon told the Mother-in-law joke, I cackled.)

Tyler made salsa and lots of it since June was having a party in the evening. Some of it was super hot. But some was just right. You might say he made Goldilocks salsa.

This is a picture of a great Saturday.

The evening session brought lots of June's friends. It's so fun to see all these guys back from missions.

After conference, they did a Crack Off. This guy here on the left is Chris. June is a little head over heels for him. I think he likes her too. 

The egg cracking came down to Simeon and Hyrum. Hyrum won. He didn't even have one of his eggs break. Nicely done.

Pearl and I didn't compete, but we ran the bracket and were an attentive audience.

Sunday was much quieter. But Chris came back. He stayed for breakfast, and both sessions and even some games in between. I think we'll be seeing more of him. 

The summer tree went up. Yay for warmer weather on the horizon. 

Pearl went for a walk today and she said she found Spring. See? The conference tree worked. 

Thanks again to Daisy for making the fun BINGO cards. I don't think anyone got a black out, but we all got a bingo. 

I'm very much looking forward to reading all the conference talks again. Speaking of which...we did our conference reward just a couple weeks ago. We didn't get everyone, but we had a good group of second-time-through finishers. We chose to go to the Wick Lab, where you make your own candles. You start at the wall of smells. 

This was actually really hard for me. I don't love candle smells in general. And that wall had maybe four scents that didn't make me gag. (Ever since having kids, chemical candle smells are the worst) After you pick your smell and container, you sit down to mix your perfect concoction. 

They bring over hot wax and you pour your candle.

Then you add your smells and make a label. There are other things you can add as well for some extra money. You can get a fancy wick or add glitter. (I actually love the glitter.)

Besides the smell, it was a great time. I had to wash everything, including my hair when I got home so I didn't stink up my bed. I could never work at a place like that, but I'm sure glad we got to go celebrate our conference rewards.

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