Monday, April 28, 2008

Lost in Translation

June and Robyn share a room and have a bunk bed. This was a very hard transition when we first moved them together, but they have worked out most of the kinks. On any given night, they go to sleep fine, but other evenings we hear bickering and complaints from one or the other. Usually one says something like, "June isn't being quiet," or "She is calling me names."
There isn't a lot we can do about this aside from taping their mouths shut (which I have been tempted to do some nights). Sometimes we put one in the loft until the other is asleep. Usually they work it out eventually.
Last night was one of these blessed evenings. June was on her third round of tattling on Robyn. She quietly comes into our room to explain what Robyn is doing wrong (this, in itself, is a brave act because usually someone out of bed is going to be in trouble themselves). She found me downstairs and said, "Robyn is being too noisy and I can't sleep." (As if she is sitting there dutifully trying to sleep). I told her to politely ask Robyn to be more quiet. So she scurries up to bed and I don't think much more about it until I hear the booming voice of Dad say, "Juuuuuuuuuuuuune," in a scolding tone that I often use myself.
Apparently (as I hear from Dad later) she ran upstairs, climbed into bed and said, "Robyn, Mom says be quiet or she won't love you anymore."
Wow, I think something got lost in translation there.


  1. Ha ha thats so funny! When I was young and shared a bunk bed, I would pretend to be asleep so that I wouldn't have to talk to my little sister. She's still mad about it to this day.

  2. Oh no, poor Robyn! Boy, those older siblings always seem to know just what to say or do to push the others' buttons. Happens in my family too!

  3. Older siblings know just how to put things to get their way don't they? Although Zander can't talk yet, the things I hear Ashton telling him sometimes crack me up and Zander just usually grunts and yells in protest. I didn't get a chance to comment on your birthday post. I liked your choice (or Robyn's) of colors. It's nice to see a children's birthday party that doesn't revolve around a cartoon character. Original for sure!

  4. Kids got to love the things they say.

  5. HOW ADORABLE but so mean at the same is so amazing to actually hear how people translate what they hear. I am pretty sure I am guilty of doing that when i was little...oh wait I still do that!!

  6. I laughed so hard when I read your blog. TOO HILARIOUS!!! Boy, that brings back memories of me and my brothers.
