Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Speaking of Spiders...

Spring is definitely here and that is wonderful news, but why do I always forget that with spring come the spiders? Spider season is definitely back in business from what I have seen in my lawn and (sob) in my house. I have tried to be brave and shrug off this fear, but I am coming clean...I HATE spiders. Well, even now I need to add an addendum to that. I don't hate jumping spiders. Yes, I know spiders well enough to distinguish many at a glance. I read a book in my youth called Castle Roogna and one of the main characters is a huge jumping spider. And for some reason, they have never bothered me again. Fortunately, that is the type that mainly get into the house and I can ignore them (literally, they don't bother me a bit). Although here in Utah they have one jumper that is huge, black, and hairy and I won't kill it, but it can't stay in my house like the others.
However, ANY other spider is on my hit list. Depending on my mood and how close to my children it comes, a spider will either be
A) squished immediately
B) put outside if I can find the courage, or
C) put under a glass until Tyler can take care of it when he gets home
This last variety is usually found on the floor because cups don't stay on the ceiling too well.
In other good (or bad) news, I have spiDAR (much like Radar) so I will usually notice a spider when no one else would (Robyn has inherited this trait). This is good because I can get rid of them, but bad because I am painfully aware of just how many spiders really get into the house (and I know I am still missing quite a few). Ew, just thinking about this has made me a little nausesated, which started when I went looking for an image to put with this post. Big mistake. I have only confirmed my innate fear and seen some spiders that were not ever meant to be seen by my eyes. I am pretty sure I know what I will be dreaming about tonight.
Suffice it to say, happy spring, watch out for spiders.


  1. I HATE SPIDERS!!! When I see them, I feel like I am completely frozen. OH!! I JUST HATE THEM!!!

  2. Never fear my arachnophobic lady! Your buffed-armor-clad knight is standing at the ready, lance in hand (or cup or magazine or book or whatever weapon may lie within my grasp) ready to thwart the evil stratagem of these cunning hell spawn. You need only say the word, fair alpha female, and I will spring to action to stamp out this eight-legged threat. I am ever in your service.

  3. Wow-what a catch this "raging stallion" must be! Good luck against all those gross spiders.

  4. Have you ever had your house sprayed for spiders? I think this is something I myself might look into because I hate spiders too!

  5. I hate spiders!!! That was the only thing I liked about living in a 6th story apartment in SLC. No spiders!! All spiders should be killed immediatly...jumping or not.

  6. I am so spider-phobic, I can't even tell you how much. I used to constantly dream about them being in my bed. So yesterday, Bethany came upstairs and started talking about the spider in her bed. I couldn't figure out if she really had seen one on her bed or if she was just dreaming about one.

    One of my requirements for who I married is that they must be able to kill any spider at any time. Jeremy can even do it with his bare hands or feet, so I lucked out. The only time I'm stuck is when he's not home!

    Just be grateful you don't live in Arkansas! My friend used to live there and they had huge spiders. She said one time she nearly stepped on this huge wolf spider on the floor and the spider freaked out and hundreds of baby spiders (that were riding on momma's back!) jumped off and started running everywhere.

    Oh, and that picture of that nasty spider has me itching now.

  7. House hunting has brought up the fear of I have told Scott he has to factor in the cost of an exterminator...I guess to be effective they come every other month or every 3 months. So, it is a bit of a cost, but it is well worth the thought that there is nothing that will get my little ones or me! So, I understand....there just really is something creepy about crawling creatures!!! Hope this snow slows them down a bit!

  8. !!! How funny I too hate spiders and seeing how my reaction has influenced Liz i have tried really hard to not "rub off" on the others... Today Savvy was sitting in the kitchen eating a frozen english muffin when she started crying the most blood curdling cry I have ever heard from her... She finally was able to get out Scary spider!... Ugm... It was an ant...

  9. I'm so glad we don't have the kind of spider they did in the forest in Harry Potter. I hate spiders too.

  10. I want you to know that I had to cover up the picture you picked just so I could read your post...I am petrified of spiders I am usuallt almost in tears if I have to kill one myself! What a baby huh! :)

  11. Ladies, I am NOT afraid of spiders, so if your house is infested while the guys are gone, you can call me and I will get rid of it for you.


  12. Oh, and I was checking out your books read on the sidebar. I want details! Which ones were good?

  13. I HATE spiders!! If there is one on the ceiling in the shower, I am watching it the whole time I'm in there and scurrying to get done with my shower as fast as I can. I also have gotten in the habit of shaking out my towel every time I use it. Mark thinks I'm funny/crazy for doing that, but one time HE had a spider come out of his towel...goes to show him!

    Mark is actually selling pest control again this summer...too bad we don't live closer!

    Bryan actually saw a little spider crawling on the carpet last week and was going to just pick it up, until I stopped him and I got it. I tried really hard not to freak out so I won't rub off on him, and I'm can say that I did quite well with it.

    I feel itchy now....ahhh!
