Saturday, May 3, 2008

Pillow Talk

This isn't an incredibly interesting post, but I needed to post something because every time I went to my blog, I saw a spider and it was freaking me out a little.

I don't have hard pregnancies by a long shot. However, they are not a breeze either. I suffered some back problems early on in my marriage and I have never been the same since. And pregnancy only aggravates the problem. By the time I had Ivory, I was worried if my back would ever be the same again after pregnancy. Fortunately, it was. But now my back is acting up again and I still have a good (almost) three months left. I cringe (literally). If only I could eliminate all bending, lifting, sitting on the floor, etc. but with three kids that is quite out of the question and if I am smart, I can usually get by. But each day seems to bring new twinges of pain and my normal back exercises don't help as much since I can't do them properly with the added belly.
So Tyler went looking for solutions to my problem. He came back and told me that I should sleep with a pillow between my legs at night and that should take some pressure off my back. The first night I tried this, it was terrible. I kept waking up and trying to put the pillow back where it should be and if I wanted to turn over, this was a whole complicated process with the added pillow. I woke up more sore than usual. I told Tyler it didn't help much, but he said that ONE night wasn't going to solve all my problems. So I have dutifully been using it each night. I still haven't noticed much of a difference, but I am getting better at rolling over.
So, if any of you know of some wonderful remedy for back problems, I would sure like to hear about it. I may end up using the pillow as a projectile.


  1. Poor Maleen! I had lots of back problems when I was pregnant with Will. I went to put dinner in the oven and my back went POP. And there I was, bent over and couldn't get back up. No fun.

    Massage helped me get through until delivery. Maybe you could try that. In the meantime, try hot/cold packs. Ask your doctor if you can use a heating pad.

    (tender hugs)

  2. Massage is always supposed to help...I see someone else recommended that seriously. I just dream of going to get one! My sister suggested a chiropractor as well...and my neighbor is a physical therapist and she suggested stretching as best as poosible. But, I still think a weekly massage - professional or from Tyler is in order. hee heeee!!

  3. This might help...I have a friend that has horrific back problems. She has had surgery and when she went on her mission, riding a bike while tracting really caused a huge mess. Anyway, she started doing YOGA and now, she feels like a complete new person. Does the gym you attend offer YOGA classes? It could be good for a try.

  4. I am so glad you posted a new blog because the spider was completely freaking me out!
    As far as the pillows, I am totally with you, it never worked for me either and I had mad back pain in both pregnancies too.
    I got one of those really nice mattress pads at Costco that seemed to help my aches and pains a little, but really didn't make the last few months go any faster.
    PS, thanks for always checking in on my blog, I always appreciate your comments :)

  5. I know of one thing that will help you with this...a hug from Vieve. Ha ha I just laughed so hard at that. Sorry I'm useless with the advice. *wink*

  6. I am so sorry about your back! I have just recovered from back problems that began with my pregnacy with Savvy (My joint in my hip bone split and so for like six months with her I could barely walk!) Then in labor I had a bad epidural and had to go to Physical therapy to fix that and he said I should have come in when I was pregnant and he could have fixed it! I wish I would have known! Quick little adjustment and I would have been better :D Call me if you are interested and I will get his name and number! I really like him because he teaches you exercises to strengthen the area...

  7. I know my friend has suffered from back problems before and during pregnancy too. The thing that worked for her was to hug a pillow while lying on her side. She said is helped stretch out the muscles. I don't know if it works, but I guess at this point you are willing to give anything a try! Sorry about all of the pain- I hope it gets better:)
