Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Daisy Is Here!

Daisy has arrived. This is not going to be the in-depth post that many of you are looking for, but it will at least communicate the important vital facts:
  • Both Mom and Daisy are in excellent health with no concerns about future health.
  • Maleen DID go into labor by herself--she wasn't induced this time!
  • Daisy was born at precisely 10:46 in the a.m.
  • She weighs in at 6 pounds 9 ounces of pure, unadulterated, beautiful baby
  • She stretches all of 19 inches
  • She's got a smattering of hair on top--not really enough to part, but enough to add some style up north
To be clear, Daisy DOES have a middle name, and it will be revealed in the next post. Here's a taste of the pictures to come:


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for you and she is so cute. Looking forward to more pictures. :)

  2. She is adorable. I am glad you got to experience labor all on your own. HOw funny, Keri called me at 9:45am about you being at the hospital and then you had her not long after that conversation. I'm glad all is well!

  3. She is beautiful! Well worth the wait. Oh, and you beat Mindy! (as far as I know, anyway.) Congrats to you and Tyler!

  4. YIPPEE SKIPEE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She looks simply divine!!!

  5. CONGRATS!! What a beautiful baby girl!!! How crazy that you were just checked by the dr. yesterday and then had her this morning. I just looked at your blog this morning wondering if she had made her appearance yet and saw your blog from yesterday. Then I was so excited to return this afternoon to hear Tyler's message with the announcement!!! I've saved it for Mark to hear. We are so excited for you guys and your adorable Daisy! We look forward to seeing more pics!

  6. It is not really necessary to leave the mystery of Daisy's middle name up in the air to make sure the everybody reads your next post. She herself is enough of an attraction to have people checking hourly to see if there are more pictures and/or more info. I can hardly wait to see her in person! Congratulations to you both. Won't June, Robyn and Ivory be thrilled to actually see their new baby sister!

  7. She is so cute, I love babies so much! I am so happy that you got to go into labor by yourself because that is what you were hoping for! Let me know if I can help you with anything. Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations to all of you! She is gorgeous and I'm so glad she came sooner rather than later :)
    I'm kind of jealous about going into labor by yourself, I've never really experienced that. Zander did come 2 1/2 weeks early but it was triggered by a doctor examination.
    I'm excited to hear all the wonderful (and gory) details!

  9. Congratulations! She's beautiful. So weird how fast that can happen...one minute writing about when the baby is going to come, the next writing about the baby being here! Maybe that doctor's check did something. I had several babies born after doctor's checks started the contractions. Breathe in that wonderful smelling baby smell!

  10. Whooo hoooooo~~ and I just want to say that there came another post without a middle name. I think that you guys can't agree and that's WHY is hasn't been diviluged yet!, lol.

  11. Wow! She is beautiful! I am so happy for you...

  12. Whoo HOOO! Your brain power did it - you went into labor on your own. She is beautiful - congrats to you 5!!!
