Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeling great...sort of.

I went to the doctor today and I am dilated to a 2!! Ha ha.
Those were magical words. I have never dilated on my own before being induced. They usually tell me I am almost a one (if that), so I am feeling pretty good. Of course, this doesn't mean that I will have the baby soon necessarily, but I do have hope that I may go into labor by myself, and maybe even this week.
This is all very new and exciting for me.
Plus, I am starting to feel very uncomfortable. I am sure that the baby is feeling a bit squished too, so it would make us both happy if we could get this whole show on the road.


  1. Yea! Here's to a quick birthing! I hope things go smoothly for you. (and soon....)

  2. Remember me?....yea dialated to a 4-5 for at least two weeks...not fun. But I hope it's a good sign for you, Good luck!

  3. Do comments like Stacy's help? I'm sure I could make up lots of tried and true ways to get that baby out, but considering my experience they wouldn't get you anywhere. Good luck! If you need help with the other girls let me know!

  4. Wow...thats awkward. Get this kid out of you.

  5. Yay! Hopefully soon you'll have news to share about a new little one.

  6. Yay! (I have typed and erased four messages now, so I guess 'Yay' is all I really have to say).

  7. There really is nothing like being in the hospital - after he/she (in your case she) is born and just being there with the two of you and with tyler as well! I hope that comes soon. I have been told that there really is only one way to help things along...want to guess??? take care.

  8. That's great, I hope it happens this week for you.

  9. "Here we go Tyler"

    It's the fourth quarter, "What can I do for thee oh Queen!"

    I third the Yay!
