Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Holy Chunks Batman, I Poisoned My Nephew

So, double crossing your fingers may not have the effect I was looking for. Monday night I was walking around with Daisy saying goodnight to the girls. I heard Ivory make some noise from her room so I walked in to check on her. As I entered the room, she stood up by the rails and I walked closer to see what she needed. A little too close maybe, since I had to jump away to avoid the fountain of vomit that proceeded forth. Poor little thing, you could practically see the whole grapes coming back up from dinner. I let out a shriek and yelled, "Tyler come quick, Ivory just hurled all over the place." From the other room I heard June say, "What is hurl?" It is her new favorite word for throwing up because the next morning when Tim and G'ma came over she kept telling them that Ivory 'hurled' all over her bed. Like the other girls, Ivory got over it quickly and by the morning she was herself again.

Now, let's rewind to Monday afternoon. My mother and nephew came over that morning and they are staying for a week (in a hotel) to help out. We originally thought we would have Daisy late which is why they planned for this week, but it all worked out in the end. I feel great and I don't need as much help, so my mom can relax a little and we can both cook and clean as we need to. My mother was kind enough to do the shopping on Monday, and I had most of the kids as lunch time rolled around. Tim especially was getting hungry and I had plenty of leftovers on hand...

*This is where I need to put my disclaimer. Although all of us had been sick (except Ivory at the time) and it seemed to be food related, I still wasn't positive that it was food that was brought in. And plus, I hate to waste stuff. So...

I fed Tim some of the leftovers. I won't disclose which ones because I don't want neighbors to feel badly. I promise that I don't blame anyone for our bout with the porcelain. I never would have fed him bad food on purpose (and I myself ate some of the leftovers--just not the same ones). I might have given him something else but we were short on groceries and my mom wasn't back yet. Can you see that I am really trying to justify my position here?

I'm sure the end of this story is painfully clear. I got a call bright and early this morning from the hotel. Tim was throwing up! There is no one to blame but littl' ol' me. I officially poisoned my nephew.

I threw out all the leftovers this morning. Or should I save some for mom?


  1. You're trying to kill everyone! I'm glad I'm not one of those people!

  2. Um...I'm pretty sure I'm the guilty party. The timing (in case anyone's paying attention)all points to Saturday night's dinner--you ate the food Saturday night, sick Sunday morning. Nephew eats "leftovers" Monday afternoon, sick Monday night. I promise I didn't (knowingly) use bad food. I just feel horrible knowing that my first time food poisoning someone was not contained to my own household! I'm sure that special recipe is ruined to you now. I would offer to make it up to you, but you may be a little leery about food that comes from my house! I can't apologize enough--I just don't know which item would have been the culprit?

  3. Deanne,
    Actually he didn't get sick until Wednesday morning, so the timing is not quite right.
    I really don't know which meal caused it and I surely don't think you did anything different than you normally do.
    I managed to give Tyler and I food poisoning a month after I had June, so throwing up with a newborn is something we are used to, unfortunately.
    You don't have to make it up to us, and I will still trust food from your house. After all, we have loved everything else you have made. Maybe a plate of chocolate chip cookies would be a good way to say sorry (wink).

  4. Hmmm... I don't even know what to say about this post. First of all- yuck! Second of all- I hope everyone is recovered. Third- how old were those left overs????

  5. See--I have learned something very valuable here....I am completely in the right when asked to take a meal into someone and I dial Brick Oven for soup, salad and breadsticks--so, if anyone gets will be Brick Oven-not me. HEE HEE!!!

  6. Oh my goodness! The last thing I would have wanted to deal with after giving birth is hurling children. :) You truly are amazing!

  7. My stomach just hurts from reading about all you guys hurling. Thanks for not taking pictures of the actual people throwing up. I can just see people reading and seeing that and throwing up all over their computers...jk.
