Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Sabbath: Day of Rest

I can't even tell you the last time we had the WHOLE family settle down for a nap, altogether. This Sunday afternoon, we managed to get everyone asleep.
Of course, it helped that two of us had been throwing up and another two had diarrhea. The things that I have to do to my children to make them take a nap. Not really...I would much rather have them awake than throwing up on my carpets (which really need a good cleaning now, blat!) Daisy and Ivory seem to be the only ones unaffected (fingers crossed and then crossed again—does that take away the first crossing?)
I couldn't help snapping this picture because Daisy is so cute folded into the crook of his arm. Please excuse the partial nudity. We'll rate this post PG-13.


  1. oh, how precious...Daisy is adorable. I think I need to come and visit and hold her again.

  2. That picture is too cute. I'm embarrassed now having seen the Stallion's bare chest.

  3. I can't believe how on top of blogging you are with a newborn! She's still as cute as can be, and PLEASE tell me you didn't get sick from the dinner I brought you.

  4. How cute!! And nice Farmer Tan :)

  5. That is a great picture (minus the partial nudity - j/k). I'm so sorry to hear that 4 of you are sick. So weird that you and Tyler also ended up sick after June was just born - no bueno.

  6. What a bummer to get sick right after having a baby. I hope everyone is feeling better.

  7. I'm hoping the worst has past and hat Ivory and Daisy don't get in later on. Let me know if I you need the girls to come over and play for bit.

  8. Maleeny,

    Daisy is so beautiful. You know they now have chiropractors for babies who have to sleep with their necks all crooked like that!? lol...;)
