Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quiet as a Mouse

My mother-in-law graciously asked if she could take the girls up to Idaho for a few days, so I could get some rest. A few days....meaning nine!
What am I going to do without my girls?? I guess I could try and take a few extra naps. And maybe clean some of the house that wasn't going to get touched until kids were back in school. And maybe cry a little.
I really do appreciate this time by myself (plus baby), but oh, I miss my girls. They left last night. Around 10:00pm I went to do my usual check—to make sure everyone was sleeping well and hand out a few last kisses—and of course all the beds were empty (sob).
Funny how when they are here, all you can think of is a few moments of peace. But the minute they are gone, the silence is consuming. I had to turn the radio on for most of the day. Then Daisy filled the void with some choice crying (turns out the kid has lungs after all).
I can already tell that I won't be a good empty-nester. Sorry Tyler.

p.s. I feel I owe an apology to some neighbors. Turns out over the last two days, my mother and Daisy were both throwing up (both of which did not eat any of the food brought in), so maybe it was viral after all. All parties are absolved of any suspicion, and I am sorry if I ever made you question your cooking. Bake on neighbors...bake on.


  1. Well I hope you'll find stuff to do. You can see how far you can get on the brick game you have. Or you can always come visit your favorite Kari....wink wink. But if you need a good book to read let me know.

  2. WOW I totally understand your pain. I am the type of mom that loves to be with her little one and would go crazy with too much time away. How fun to be able to get some time alone with your new little one I bet it is a huge change!!

  3. ps Friday the new Stephanie Meyer (the 4th and final) book comes out I think?

  4. I feel I need to add to the comment from buhlersdayoff---the release party for the new book is tomorrow night!!! YEA!!! I am sure that will fill a little of the void!!!

  5. I feel your pain (I may have even gotten a little teary reading it). I always think how nice it would be to get some quiet time...until it's quiet; then suddenly I crave the noise. It was the same when I had knee surgery a few years ago. I thought the orders to "stay down and rest" would be a dream come true, and all I wanted to do was get up and do stuff! What a very kind offer from your mother-in-law, though! I'm sure your girls will be well taken care of, and that 9 days will go by quickly!

  6. and p.s...not that I'm glad that you had a viral infection going through your house, but I am VERY relieved to know that my food didn't poison you!

  7. I'm so sad for you! Stay tough, little one, and cling to that little baby you have left. And your husband, I guess.

  8. Maleen, I understand where you are coming from. The very day we brought Zander home from the hospital, Ashton came down with pnemonia and doctor's orders he couldn't stay at home with me and the baby. In fact, I couldn't even touch him because it was that contagious. I had to completely sanitize all his clothes, sheets, toys, everything. I sobbed uncontrollably for four days while he was gone and I was home alone with this new little baby. All I could think about was how my little guy was so sick and I wasn't there for him. (I'm thinking now that the hormones were creating some of the drama).
    Anyways, nine days seems so long, but rest assured they are probably having so much fun and will love you that much more when they come home!

  9. It's nice to get some rest, but I eventually miss my my kids (almost immediately).

    Whew...a stomach virus seems better than food poisoning, although the symptoms are pretty much the same. I hope you are all feeling better.

  10. I have to say that I am the same way with my girls. I miss them when they are away, even for a couple of hours! I am glad that I didn't give you food poisioning, and it restores my faith in my cooking!

  11. I can totally relate. Whenever Callie is gone and I am at home without her (a rarity) it just seems eerie. I hope you don't get too lonely! Just enjoy that baby sweet baby.

  12. Hang in there, girl! I feel your pain. Ellen is gone tonight, Will leaves Monday, and Ellen gets back only to leave next Sunday. I know the whole time they're gone I'll just mope around. "I wonder what X is doing right now."

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Maleeny,

    I am trying to catch up and you sure do crack me up. I believe that the love that you and Ty have is amazing and I'm pretty darn sure that you will be serving in a single adult ward at some point. The example you would set would be awesome.

    HUGS~ Sharon
