Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Daisy for My Daisy

Truthfully, Daisy will probably get so many daisy things throughout her life that she may get sick of it. But for me, it certainly isn't old yet. My mother-in-law sent daisies to me in the hospital and I thought it was so cute.
Now Tyler likes to buy me nice jewelry when I have my children. It is a little tradition he does and I love it. LOVE. IT. Of course, I don't have the best history of taking care of this jewelry he purchases, but I promise it is not on purpose.
When I had June, he bought me pearl earrings to represent his two pearls (me and June). Well, one of the pearls fell out of the setting. Lame (I don't blame myself in this case).
Next, when I had Robyn, Tyler bought me this beautiful Tanzanite bracelet (The one on the link is not quite right, but it reminds me of mine). I have not seen many pieces of jewelry that are as beautiful as that bracelet.

I lost it.

Let's have a moment of silence for my bracelet. I still want to cry when I think about it. If you ever happen to find a Tanzanite bracelet (what are the chances?), check with me please.
So then along came Ivory. I am sure Tyler was reconsidering by this time whether he wanted to buy me anything. But my darling husband bought me a diamond pendant with three diamonds representing my three beautiful girls. I really like it, but I don't wear it often for fear of losing it.
Now with Daisy, Tyler had something special in mind. He came to the hospital with silver daisy earrings which I wear all the time, but he told me that was not the thing he had planned to get me. Later when he found what he wanted, he bought me a beautiful white gold daisy pendant with a perfectly cut diamond in the center. It is petite like my little Daisy and I love it. It was hard to get a good shot of it because of the reflection, but here is a good idea of what it looks like (it obviously looks better on me!).

So I got a daisy to go with my Daisy. Like I said, I'm not sick of the idea yet, especially since daisies are one of my favorite flowers.
As for the jewelry, I am 2 for 4. Fifty percent is not terribly good. It is actually a failing grade. Guess I need to have some more kids to bring my percentage up.
Here are some more pictures of my darling girl.


  1. Maleen it was so good to see you last night and meet your new little girl. She is gorgeous. Good job Tyler for the jewelry thing, that's impressive. I think I'll mention it to David.
    Of course, I haven't always been good about my jewelry either...

  2. What a great idea (the jewelry)! Some days I sit and wonder to all the many things that have gone missing and hoping that one day I will know where they are and what happened to them. I'll keep my eyes out for your bracelet if you'll keep your eyes out for my watch (Darin gave it to me as a wedding present). She is so cute! You guys have a great formula for cute girls!

  3. Those are some great gifts your hubby has given you! I hope you don't have anything happen to this last present-that necklace is gorgeous!

  4. I am totally impressed!!! Tyler, you rock!!! The whole jewerly thing...that is a great idea! The daisy necklass is amazingly beautiful!!! Oh, Daisy, is so adorable!!!

  5. wow! I love daisies too that is really cute!!! I can't believe that ivory can still fit in those strawberry pants...too cute!!

  6. What a sweet, smarty-pants! Have a baby = get new jewelry.

  7. The jewelry gifts are such thoughtful ways of treating the wonderful wife/mother in his life! I too love daisies and that necklace is beautiful! Such a cute baby she is!
