Thursday, October 2, 2008

Get Your Spook On!

I can't tell you how much I love Halloween and decorating at this time of year. None of my decorations match, mind you. I have this kooky mix of spooky decorations and cutesy stuff. So I just put up everything and laugh at the interesting combinations. This year I took some stuff down to Tyler's work. I have been wanting to make my spider hatchlings since I saw them on FamilyFun last year. It was quite a messy project, but I think it turned out quite nicely (well, creepy is probably a better word). I bought the spiders online and they came in a huge pack of 144 (I looked around at stores but they only have the ring spiders). I have to admit that my arachnophobia did not help in assembling this project. June was playing with the spiders all afternoon and that was okay until she threw a whole bunch down the stairs. Seeing all those spiders cascading down at me did nothing for my fear. And later when Ivory found a basket and dumped out about a hundred of these spiders on the floor, I was seriously grossed out (Ewww!).
Anyway, here is the final result.

Then since I already had the webs and spiders out, I thought I could do a little decorating at home.

My favorite is the first presidency in cobwebs.

I love Halloween and all the fun ideas. You need to go check out littleantdesigns. It has a ton of great Halloween and party ideas. Plus, she is doing a giveaway right now where you could win one of these scary portraits. I think I need one. It would fit well with my spooky collection--I really have too much cutesy right now. Happy Haunting all you guys.


  1. Okay, I've decided I'm more phobic than you because I do NOT under ANY circumstances decorate with spiders in my house. Just looking at fake ones gives me the creeps. I can't even handle those spider rings the kids always come home with. They instantly go in the trash!

    You did a very cute job though, even with the spiders. ;)

  2. I hate spiders, but I will have to say--Tyler's desk looks FABULOUS!!!

  3. I love when houses are all decorated for Halloween! I'm never creative enough to do any of that!

  4. Sorry- I am kind of with the first comment. I could never put up spider webs because I think they would freak me out. But, I am going to get out my Halloween decorations this weekend. I am very excited!

  5. I figured it out today...if I know the spider is there, it doesn't bother me (I should add FAKE here because I am not okay with real spiders taking up residence in my house).
    BUT, I stumbled across a few of the fake ones that June had been playing with upstairs and I screamed because I wasn't expecting them to be there.

  6. I wonder how Halloween has somehow become over the years the holiday of spiders?? It is my belief that spiders should never be celebrated...only eliminated.
    But, your decorations do look nice and I will in fact be going to Starbucks for some Pumpkin hot chocolate.
