Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mr. Right on Target

I know I sing Tyler's praises all the time and you may be sick of it, but I adore the man and he obviously loves me too.
This evening he went out for a treat; as he often does after Elder's Quorum. He usually brings something back for me. Tonight it was Starbuck's for a hot chocolate or apple cider. I personally do NOT like their Caramel Apple Cider but I know plenty of people who love it (too sweet for me). When he came home, I figured he brought me some kind of hot chocolate and I was right, sort of. He told me not to read the label, but to take a sip...
Holy heaven batman, I tasted pumpkin hot chocolate!!! It was delicious.
I exclaimed, "PUMPKIN!" Kari, who happened to be over, said, "They make pumpkin hot chocolate?"
"No," Tyler said nonchalantly.
Um, I had living proof in my hand that they DO. Turns out they have something like Pumpkin Tea, but Tyler didn't want that for me, so he specially requested for them to take whatever pumpkin mixture they had and add it to hot chocolate...just for me.
Wow, he is so wonderful. And I totally recommend that you try it as well. It was like Disneyland for my taste buds. There is no doubt that I will be getting me some more of that in the future.


  1. That sounds delicious! I'm gonna have to see if I can get the same thing...

  2. I love hot chocolate. Brian brought home carmel and hazel nut. I want to try the pumkin though that sounds delicious.

  3. I dont like pumpkin but I know how much you do, so I am very excited for you!!! It was good to see you all yesterday! We need to get together soon. I finally got a blog so add me as a friend! I have two one is personal and one is a work portfolio, the one names Jessie is the personal one! YAY! I am glad we are friends and I miss you!

  4. I wonder if he'll get roaylaties if people request it. "Stallion's pumpkin hot chocolate" It has a ring to it!

  5. Thanks for the Pumpkin Hot Chocolate. It was delicious and to die for!!! YUM!!

  6. I first tried Starbucks pumpkin hot chocolate last year around this time when they had their pumpkin drinks and fell in love with is quite delicious...have already had one this season - a few weeks ago! I'm definitely looking forward to having it again soon!
