Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Counting Down...

Well folks, there are just a few hours left before the new year. I have thoroughly enjoyed this one and I hope many good things lurk in 2009 for us all. Like many of you, I have been thinking about new year resolutions and what I want to accomplish next year. I won't bore you with all of them, because there are quite a few this time around, but here is one you might be interested in... storage. I have had a goal to get some kind of food storage going this year; we are woefully behind (meaning we have nothing—unless you count an extra bag of sugar and rice downstairs). However, on my way home from Idaho this week, I happened upon a billboard with this website: Now this is the kind of food storage that my kids might consume. I might actually make headway this year on a one year's supply.

Anyway, I hope you all make some good goals. Keep moving forward (as Cornelius would say). See you all, next year.


  1. I checked out that food storage website and think it's fabulous! I may even eat some of that stuff. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to emergency preparedness, so I've been thinking of a way to have food storage at my tiny college apartment. This may be the best thing ever. Thanks for posting it, and Happy New Year! =D

  2. Food Storage has been on my mind a lot these past few months. This year for Chrismas Kolby and I got our "Basic" One year supply of food storage. You know... the stuff that is really not that delicious (wheat, rice, beans, dry milk, etc.). I am glad that we now have it, at least we could survive if we had to, although I am planning on supplimenting it with some yummy stuff too. I will have to go look at the website you found, it sounds great!

  3. That is a great goal for the year. We worked on it last year and got a good start, but we still have a long way to go. My big goal is the 999 reading challenge and losing 20 lbs. I have a ticker on my blog so that I have to be accountable for how I'm doing. I'm hoping that will help. Plus Sarah has agreed to be my diet buddy.

    Wish us luck! And Happy New Year!

  4. Ahh. Food storage... I've been trying to figure out something for that lately too. That site looks interesting. Thanks!

  5. Keep moving forward is a fabulous idea!
