Friday, January 2, 2009

Best New Year's Ever...NOT

Well, we all know that when it rains, it pours...but does it have to be on New Year's?

We did not have big plans this year. Last year we threw a party and I did want to do that again, but I wasn't organized in time. So we skipped it. Instead, we went shopping for a new computer chair. Tyler is getting a new computer this year, and let's face it, he practically lives in a chair, what with working on a computer all day and then playing games all night. So, the man needs a nice chair.

So we stopped by Office Depo to check out their selection. They had some nice models, but they were closing early for the holiday so they were trying to shoo us out right after we got there. However, we didn't take long shopping and we did make a purchase, so they shouldn't complain. Sadly, when we returned home, Tyler noticed that his pocket PC and his phone were missing. And as you already know, the store was closed so we couldn't run back and look for them.

So we settled in for an evening together. I stayed up until midnight barely so I could wish Tyler a happy new year, and then I tumbled into bed. Around 3:30 am, Tyler crawled into bed and said, "Well, that is it for the computer. It crashed again and now it won't restart at all. We may have lost everything." Then he promptly fell asleep. I on the other hand sat and worried about the idea of losing everything. No pictures of my kids, all my recipes gone, financial records lost forever, all my contact information missing (and this is especially sad since we finally updated everyone this year), and a myriad of random things I kept around for the kids. I just wanted to cry. I probably tossed and turned for an hour before falling back asleep. Man, when computers mess up, they really screw things up for people.

So, chalk up an awesome new year for us. The good news is that Tyler went back to Office Depo and found his stuff, and after much sweat and tears, the computer seems to be recoverable. So, no harm done right, except for that hour of sleep I lost. I told Tyler that in the future he could wait until the morning to give me bad news, unless it had to do with the children. But for most things, it won't matter if he waits a few hours to deliver the report.

And so the new year started with a small deluge, but our boat is still floating and we have both oars. Here's hoping there isn't a flood in store this year.


  1. repeat after me: backup everything every month if not sooner.

    i declare it your new years resolution.

  2. Phew- two close calls! I'm glad that it all seemed to turn out ok!

  3. I'm glad he was able to save the computer. Let's hope the rest of the year goes better than this!

  4. We thought we lost everything about 6 months ago and it about killed me! Who knew so much of my world on this dang box!

  5. We've been through that, it is a nightmare. I'm glad things turned out okay. It's amazing how much we rely on our computers.

  6. I'm glad you were able to solve both problems. Don't take this as a hint to how your new year is going to be. I'm sure it's just a fluke! =D (Oh and by the way, Russell's fiance is named Claudia Marie. She goes by Marie most of the time to everyone but Russell. Problem is, he introduces her as Claudia and then people have to later learn to call her Marie. I think she's fine with either...and it is the same person!) =D

  7. What a mess! I am glad that everything turned out okay. Good luck to you in the New Year!

  8. That has happened to me. Stressful!

  9. Sounds fun. I'm glad that it all turned out fine in the end. I feared our computer would die, but am so glad we have a new one...I need to do backups also though.

  10. 2009 will be a great year! Thank goodness everything was save-able! (I don't even think that's a word)

  11. I started out the New Year at work, and less than half an hour later I felt so sick I almost threw up. It was agony to get through those 8 hours of work and then crawl home. So my year didn't start out the best, either. However, it can only get better from here - right?
