Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to School

Well, the girls are back in school, but guess who else is going this semester?

Yep, me!

There are so many websites with people who take fabulous photography, and I always wish I could do that. Well, here is where the wishing stops and the action begins. I am taking a photography class this semester (possibly some Photoshop later on) and Tyler has promised me a nice camera. And I have a never ending supply of people to photograph (meaning my kids). I have high hopes for myself, not to be diminished by the fact that I couldn't even turn on the camera that I borrowed from a friend (I had to have her come over and give my a small tutorial—not at all embarassing). Actually, I couldn't figure how to open it to put film in, find the batery, or take the lens off.

Yeah, some poor teacher has no idea what he is getting into having me as a student.

This is the camera I have my eye on (thanks for the tip Alissa, whose site is filled with amazing photography—I am not at all jealous).

I'm assuming it will come with instructions 'cuz I will probably need them. *sigh*


  1. Brian wants to know "What kind of Camera do you put film in?"

  2. I am so excited for you. I have always wanted to take a photography class. I hope you have a great time!!

  3. An old camera.

    It is an '82, I think. But it is a nice camera that changes lenses. Um...I could tell you more, but that would mean that I know something about cameras, and I don't yet.

    The class actually calls for film cameras and not digital ones. I think we will even be developing some of our own pictures. I is like going back into the dark ages.

  4. hooray for cameras!

    definitely read your manual.

    and is an endless source of inspiration.

  5. Is that a D90? That's the camera we got a couple months ago. We LOVE IT!!!!! It takes fantastic pictures. I have no idea how to do anything with it, and I'm with you....I would love to take a photography class, but I can't find one around here to take. If I still lived there I'd take it with you. Bummer. The camera takes video too, but that feature isn't as great as I'd like it.

    I want to learn to use it so much better. How fun for you!

  6. Sounds like fun. Where are you taking the class? Good luck!

  7. Way to go! I can't wait to see what you do in class.
