Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ready?...Set, Go

I am very serious about trying to work on my emergency preparedness this year. I have already been saving up for my ARKs, and I saw this give-away and figured it couldn't hurt to enter and keep an eye on a site like this. It is They are doing give-aways each month and even if I never win something, it will still give me ideas of what I can do to get my family ready.

My future self will thank me for this one.


  1. Best of luck with the giveaway and obtaining your emergency preparedness supplies!

  2. I would like to add to my food supplies this year too. Thanks for the website I will check it out!

  3. Do you remember putting together those backpacks years and years ago? I wonder what ever happened to them. If there was an emergency, I sure wouldn't know where to look for them! We need to actually start using our 30-year old food supply. Except for the wheat, of course.
