Saturday, January 10, 2009

Uber Nerds Unite

WARNING! Wives, you must inform your husbands of this post. It can start with something as simple as, “Tyler got a new machine and he posted his spec,” but you are now morally obliged to let them know. And yes, not telling your husband is a sin.

So I've been a loyal Dell customer for exactly one computer now. Before Dell it was Hewlett-Packer for three machines. Before that it was Compaq for one. And before that it was Toshiba (I think). And before that there weren't computers. (Ah, the 1s and 0s genealogy.)

Now I belong to none of these companies. Now, I'm a Newegger. Oh sure, I'm new to Newegging—a veritable Newegg n00b. But that's okay, because I built my machine—for the first time! I think I should have some sort of certificate or something.

There are some who already know about my machine. Indeed there are several who helped me along the way in building this masterpiece. For all you uber nerds out there who didn't have a hand in it, let me extend the byte of friendship—here's my spec list. For all you non-uber-nerds, this won't be all that interesting, for everyone else—gorge yourself and feel free to feel great jealousy:

Oh, and I also got a new chair to rest my weary bones in while I game it up something fierce. And so begins the dynasty of a new machine. Spread the word through the geek tree—the nerd network—let all revel in the greatness that is this machine.

BTW, no I don't have any games yet, besides my old standby, which many of you already know. Since I refuse to play on pirated software and the above specs drained my wallet, I won't be able to have any new games for a while, but I am taking suggestions—post your comments. I've got a few plans already, but you never know—you might be able to influence my next game purchase.


  1. sounds about like matt's new machine... except that he says to tell you he got a Quad Core.

    keep in mind: matt works for EA. $10 for any PC game that EA makes. Drop him a line @ pwndj00 @ gmail. com if you want in on his sweet discount.

  2. Ryan says: Waaaaaaoooww! Sweet machine. And an aeron chair to go with it. Nice.

    Why not RAID 0 for even greater incredible fastness?

  3. I didn't understand most of what you said, but nice job on the new computer! And my vote for a super fun game is Lord of the Rings. Randy got the Return of the Witch King, but our computer is too old for it, so he plays it at lunch at work. I love saving Middle Earth. Seriously, what's so hard about it? I am the only one in the family so far to finish the whole game.

  4. I guess I'm not nerdy enough because 3/4 of what you posted went right over my head. Maybe it has something to do with not growing up as part of the 'computer generation'. However, it sounds like you're pleased with your new set-up, and that is good. You'll have to show it off the next time we visit.

  5. Brian says: That's pretty sweet, but don't you mean de-nasty rather than dynasty?

  6. Now see, "dynasty" was just for you, Brian. I was hoping you'd find it...and you did.

  7. I would have loved to read this, but I don't speak "nerd".

  8. Andy has 100 or so games you can borrow? What's your poison? RPG? Action? Adventure?
    He's got you covered.
