Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Sonnet for my children

Last year, Prairie Home Companion held a sonnet contest. People submitted a sonnet and then they choose a winner who won some kind of bed with roses deal. I thought, 'Hey why not, I haven't written any poetry for a while (since high school probably) and I could use a new bed.'

Well, I didn't win, and my sonnet wasn't even read on the program. I think there were over 3,000 sonnets submitted, and they read less than thirty. I was a little bummed that I didn't make the program, but more saddened that they didn't let us hear more of them (there were some really good ones).

The only criteria was that it had to do with love (I think this was near Valentine's Day). I found my sonnet again while I was cleaning out files, so here it is in all its glory. I still really like it. Oh, and keep in mind that I was pregnant while I wrote it:

In history there’s a love so great and mild,

It’s stronger than new lovers who clasp hands

It’s that of mother for her unborn child

Whose love won’t lessen as her waist expands

They say my heart will burn with loving care

But Tums or Maalox takes care of that pain

The stretch marks aren’t so easy to repair

And yet the thoughts of fondness still remain

Most older mothers say the trials are few,

They say that little girls are heaven sent

But after all the “joy” you’ve put me through

I think that I might charge nine months of rent

And will I cry when you are gone and grown?

Or laugh when you have children of your own?

And speaking of children and how much I love is a sample of June's penmenship that I had her write yesterday.


  1. Aw thats a sweet sonnet! Too bad it didn't get picked. :(

  2. Oh My! That letter is absolutely priceless!

  3. Nice to see I'm not the only mom making her kids write lines.

  4. That is a sweet, clever sonnet. How cute that you have June write like that....but I have to ask, did she get into something of yours to instigate what she wrote?

  5. Yes, when I said that June was practicing her penmanship, it was mom-induced for sure.
