Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Thoughts on Facebook

You may not want to hear which case, you can stop reading now. However if you visit this site with any regularity, then you are probably used to my over-opinionated self.

I joined Facebook today. I have been dragging my feet about it, but I finally decided to cave for the mere fact that I might be able to find people that I couldn't find any other way. And that is where I think Facebook's benefits end. True, I don't use all the features yet, so maybe I will find something else that I enjoy, but for the moment, I am not that impressed.

This is how I see it. Facebook is like a continual party in motion. You see someone you know across the room and you yell out a greeting to them. You might meet someone you haven't seen for a while at the party and exchange some info. People are living at the superficial level; and that is what a party is for. It is lacking in reality and sincerity.

And that is why I will never give up blogging. A party is not the place to have a heart to heart conversation. It is not where I want to reveal glimpses of my soul (and yes, I know this blog is not private, so anyone can read it). But I hope that if you visit here, you care a little more about who I am, my family, and what I am doing.

So, if you see me on Facebook, give me a shout-out, but if you want to know the real Maleen, this is where you will find her.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly about the superficiality of Facebook.

    Here's what I've noticed:

    1. I've been able to reconnect with a lot of people that I've been missing.
    2. I have a link on my fb to my blog, so anyone wanting to know more about me/us, can.
    3. Those people that I was merely acquaintances with, will remain so.
    4. I LOVE the status updates. Especially for close friends. I can keep up to date on what's going on with my friends several times/day (Yes, I shamefully spend that much time online.)
    5. It will not replace blogging for me either, because I like to talk and FB doesn't really have alot of that going on.

  2. I HATE facebook, even though I admittedly have an account and have added people that I am sure I do not know. At first I believed it would lead me to be closer with my family, especially my cousins who live in Hawaii, as I could just check in on them when I had time. However, I have SOOO MANY that I really can't keep up at all and so, the reality stays the same. And, I would NEVEr put anything remotely private up on FB as it's not, private that is. And a friend of mine from at least 2000 sent me three messages and two fo them said "am I going to have to stalk you?" Well, if I had wanted to be found or stalked I would've let her know. Catch my drift?

  3. I totally agree with you! I only use facebook so I can keep in touch easily with certain people. You will soon find there are random people on there that will just want to add you as a friend just so they can have the most friends on facebook. (I don't know why but it bugs me so bad) But I must say I keep in better touch and see some friends a lot more than I would without it. So I guess that is good.

  4. I have to say, that I really enjoy facebook. I DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT enjoy all the silly apps and things like that and it makes me crazy that people keep inviting me to slay a vampire with them or something equally lame... but nevertheless, I enjoy the ability that it has given me to stay connected with friends. It's true that it's not often deep conversation, but I like that it give me the ability to connect on the non deep, and then if I choose go deeper.

    Great analogy though. I like it and it fits really well.

  5. I do like facebook just for the simple reason of staying in touch with cousins, friends, etc. that live a good distance away and don't have blogs. I agree that I wouldn't ever put anything real private on there. If you want to send someone a message on there that is somewhat private, send them a message instead of "writing on their wall" because then everyone sees it. I do like that at least people have to "ask" to be your friend, just so in our instance the birthmom can't find me without asking to be my friend...that's why you'll notice I don't have a picture on my profile either. I definitely think blogs are the way to go to vent, tell stories, "journal", and all that good stuff....not FB.

  6. I just had the most interesting converstation tonight at work about facebook. Police Officers have interesting views on fb and it's mostly that they don't want to share their peronal lives with people they may 'run into' later. I feel it's a good way to let people have a glimpse at your life. I have pictures and talk to friends, but no deep converstations. If there is anything besides superficial talking that needs to be done, I send an email or make a phone call. Those are much more private!

  7. I enjoy the keeping in touch aspect of Facebook and there are a few friends I've been really thrilled to find again that I thought I had lost. Whenever I want to talk to someone without everyone else seeing, I use the message (inbox) feature that is private.

    I am also one that hates all the ridiculous applications. They make no sense to me, so I don't use them.

    I used to be much deeper even on my blog until I found people coming out of the woodwork saying that they read my blog, people I wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable sharing my deeper thoughts with. So I guess my blog has gone from a personal journal to more of a life's events journal. I could go private, I just haven't wanted to yet.

  8. I just joined facebook as well, and I haven't found myself impressed in the least... Let's hope there is more to it once you get used to it!

  9. And that is why we love her and her blogging obsession. Facebook is a good place to find people to come to your blog, that's what I've found. But I swear if someone sends me another "lil Green patch" request, I'm going to strangle them with that dang plant! I'm not into saving the planet, okay! Deal with it.
    Phew....that felt good.

  10. Yeah, I hear you. Facebook is an odd thing to me. I'm trying it, but not loving it.

  11. I do Facebook, but I'm so not into it like other people are. Updating your status every few hours? Who has the time!?
